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【作文预测一:现象类】 Charity: An Undertaking for All (More Commitment to Charity) 近年中国慈善事业发展很快。 有人认为慈善是有钱人的事情。 我的观点。 【Sample 1】 Currently a phenomenon is drawing wide attention in society/among the public: over the past few years there has been a boom/rapid growth in charity undertakings in China. According to a recent survey, the number of the population who get involved in charity is steadily on the rise. Indeed, charity has become part of many ordinary Chinese people’s lives. However, (opinions vary widely.) Some argue that charity is just related to/ has much to do with the super-rich people. In their eyes, ordinary people are not able to donate a lot of money to charity. As I see it/ Personally, I am not in favor of such view. It is true that those super-rich people have sufficient (financial) resources to make generous donations. However, that does not mean that average people don’t have to care about charity. On the contrary, charity is related to everyone’s life, because the nature of charity is not quantity but care and love/affection/ sympathy / kindness. (Therefore, what really counts is not how much you donate but the time and energy you have put in the undertaking.) Moreover, charity means more than giving out money; it also means that you can help the strangers who are in need, or that you can contribute your time to volunteer to help those who need your help. Of course, there is much room for improvement./Charity in China is far from perfect/mature. Several things deserve our effort. First, individuals / ordinary people should be aware that they should take on the responsibility for helping the needy. Besides, the super-rich should set good examples by offering more. Most importantly, the government should issue favor policies to motivate more citizens to join in the rank of charity. / should monitor/ supervise/ regulate the operation of the charity institutions/organizations. I am confident that as long as we show affection and sympathy / kindness to thos


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