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国内外图书情报学教育的比较研究 论文摘要 20世纪 90 年代起信息技术的快速发展加速了信息社会的到来,传统的图书 情报学教育无论在国外还是国内都受到了很大的冲击。为适应新的信息环境和 信息需求,各国的图书情报学教育纷纷转型和改革。国外的图书情报学教育融 合了大量的信息技术元素,以实用性原则为指导,改革后发展势头很强。我国 也将院系名称纷纷改为“信息管理”相关,着手改革,但由于专业定位尚不完善 等原因,并没有完全适应新的环境。本文即是在这样的背景下产生的,目的是 对我国和国外的图书情报学教育进行比较,希望通过总结国外值得借鉴的经验 相应的对我国图书情报学教育有所启示和帮助。本文首先将回顾国内外图书情报学教育的发展历史,不难发现二者有着相似 的发展轨迹,是展开比较的基础,也使后文的启示能够有的放矢。在第二部分 文章将会从培养目标、培养模式、课程设置和师资力量这四个方面对国内外的 图书情报学教育进行比较,可以发现各个方面国外都有很多值得我们借鉴的优 点,希望能在我国图书情报学教育特色不变的基础上融合更新教育模式,使其 更加有效。最后一部分是总结出我国图书情报学教育与国外相比的差距和不足 之处,结合各自特点,提出了几条可供我们参考的建议和启示。 关键词:图书情报学; 教育; 国内外;比较研究 Abstract Since 1990s, the fast development of information technology declared the arrival of the Information Age, and traditional LIS education was greatly impacted both in China and around the world. To accommodate the new information environment and new social demands, LIS education everywhere has been undergoing transitions and reforms. Some countries have fully embraced the IT element in their LIS education, and guided by the principle of “usability” they gained popularity and academic improvement successfully. On the other hand, most faculties in China changed their names into “information management”related and are reforming still based on the tradition ideas, and because of lack of clarity and consistency, LIS education in China is still on the rocksThis paper is conducted under such background, with the purpose of carrying a comparative study of the LIS education in China and countries like America, Canada, Britain and such alike, hoping to conclude some valuable suggestions for the development of LIS education in China Similarities will be found after going through the histories of the LIS education in China and other countries, and these similarities are the foundations of further comparison. The main part of the paper will conduct the comparison from the aim of education, the pattern, course design and faculty and financial aids. From the comparison, valuable ideas of go


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