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14年12月六级作文   2016年12月全国大学英语六级考试作文真题和参考范文   【名师简评】   2016年12月20日六级真题,写作部分打破了2016年6月14日六级写作的出题风格,具有以下四大大特点:   1. 反押题:此次作文,不再考察2016年12月、2016年12月、2016年6、13月和2016年6月共5次“全英文引语、名言警句”作文的惯例,继2016年6月之后,第二次考察漫画作文;   2. 易审题:依旧没有考察考生“审题能力”以及“跑题偏题”的可能性,作文的主题非常开放而明显,所有考生都有话好说;相对2016年12月上午四级作文而言,六级的作文相对“不够接地气,不够生活会化”,而是与“网络、文化、心态”等这样传统话题有关,看似题目很大,其实难度较小;   3. 重语言:主题明确,不会跑题,考生比拼的就是“语言质量”本身了。   4. 技巧和能力并重:考生既要规律性总结历年真题出题的特点,又要勤加背诵和练习考前的范文。宗旨,多背,多写,背好,写好,总能够在考场上有话好说,有分可拿!   题目一:   (一)学历歧视   【参考范文一】   From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there is a recruiter talking with an interviewee. When looking at the resume submitted by the candidate, the interviewer says,“Sorry, kid? Your resume looks good, but you only have a Master’s degree?All the other applicants are ! ” Having heard these words, the applicant seems to be quite helpless and embarrassed.   The cartoon reveals that the society has been placing a higher value on educational degree. What factors might contribute to this phenomenon? Answers to this question may involve many aspects, and here are a few guesses: for one thing, from the subjective aspect, quite a few employers hold that the higher educational degree people have, the more competent they will be. For another, from the objective aspect, with the professions in modern society becoming increasingly segmented, employees are required to acquire higher degree to fulfill their tasks efficiently.   Definitely, higher degrees enjoy obvious advantages. However, it is not advisable that employers judge a person only by his/ her educational backgrounds. Let alone “Degree Discrimination”. As for ourselves, we should not only attach a great importance to educational degree, but also spare no efforts to enhance our comprehensive abilities.   [参考范文二]   About a decade ago, college students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after they acquire Master’s degree. But now, things are quite different. Today’s university students usually have much pressure in finding fa



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