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☆腹直肌鞘 rectus sheath ☆ 腹直肌鞘 Rectus sheath 腹直肌鞘包绕腹直肌,由腹外侧壁三个扁肌的腱膜构成,分为前、后两层。 在弓状线以上: 腹直肌鞘前层 anterior layer of the rectus sheath 由腹外斜肌腱膜和腹内斜肌腱膜前层构成; 腹直肌鞘后层 posterior layer of the rectus sheath 由腹内斜肌腱膜的后层和腹横肌腱膜构成。 在弓状线以下: 腹直肌鞘前层由三个扁肌的腱膜构成; 腹直肌鞘后层缺如。 2.血管、淋巴及神经 Vessels, Lymph and Nerve (1)动脉 (2)静脉 (3)神经 3.腹横筋膜 Transversalis Fascia 腹横筋膜 Transverse fascia 精索内筋膜internal spermatic fascia 腹股沟深环deep inguinal ring 窝间韧带 interfoveolar ligament 腹横筋膜 Transverse fascia 腹前壁内面的皱襞及凹窝 4. 壁腹膜 Parietal peritoneum 5. 腹前壁手术常用切口 Thoracoabdominal incision Superior median incision Transrectus incision Pararectus incision Paramedian incision Subcostal incision Superior transverse incision McBurney’s incision Inferior median incision Inferior transverse incision Above the arcuate line Below the arcuate line 四、腹 股 沟 区 The Inguinal Region 境界 The boundary 层次与特点 The layers and characteristics 腹股沟管 The inguinal canal 腹股沟三角 The inguinal triangle 疝 hernias :腹股沟直疝 Direct inguinal hernias 、腹股沟斜疝 indirect inguinal hernias、股疝 femoralhernias (一)境界 Boundary 1. 皮肤 skin 2. 浅筋膜 superficial fascia 3. 腹外斜肌 aponeurosis of external obliquus abdominis (二)腹股沟区层次结构 The Layers of the Inguinal Region 4. 髂腹下神经 Iliohypogastric n. 和髂腹股沟神经 ilioinguinal n. 5. 腹内斜肌 Obliquus internus abdominis 6. 腹横肌 Transversus abdominis (二)腹股沟区层次结构 The Layers of the Inguinal Region 7. 腹横筋膜 Transverse fascia 8. 腹膜外筋膜 Extraperitoneal fascia 9. 腹璧下动脉Inferior epigastric a. and 旋髂深动脉 deep circumflex iliac a. 10.璧腹膜 Parietal peritoneum 特点:①腹外斜肌在此区移行为腱膜,并在下部形成一裂口(浅环);②腹内斜肌与腹横肌的下缘未达腹股沟韧带的内侧部,两者间无肌层覆盖;③有精索或子宫圆韧带通过,形成了一潜在性裂隙;④在人体站立时,该区所承受的腹内压力比平卧时高3倍。 因此,腹股沟区为腹壁的薄弱区,是腹壁疝的多发部位。 (三)腹股沟管 The inguinal canal 位置 Position 通过的结构 Structures passing through it 两口、四璧 Two opening and four walls 精索 Forming of the spermatic cord 腹股沟斜疝 Indirect inguinal hernia (三)腹股沟管 Inguinal Canal 1.位置 2.内容 3.构成 4.临床意义 The inguinal canal is an oblique, inferomedially passage(between the superficial and deep inguinial rings) through th


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