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PAGE 13届  分 类 号:                   单位代码:10452 毕业论文(设计) 基于AT89C51单片机的声光控制开关设计      姓 名       学 号  200       年 级  2009          专 业 电子信息       系 (院)    理学院       指导教师  2013年03月24日 摘 要 针对目前许多公共场所长明灯现象十分普遍所造成能源极大浪费的情况,本设计设计了基于AT89C51单片机的声光控制开关.该设计利用LED显示技术、声音检测技术、光信号检测技术、延时技术、按键扫描等技术来实现对照明灯的控制.测试结果表明,通过光敏电阻对光照强度进行检测和声音检测电路对声音强度进行检测.例如仅有在天黑之后,当有人走过楼梯通道,发出脚步声或其它声音时,楼道灯会自动点亮,提供照明,人们进入家门或走出公寓后,楼道灯会延时几分钟再自动熄灭.在白天时,即使有声音,楼道灯也不会亮,可以达到节能的目的.本设计具有性能稳定、操作方便等优点,具有较高的实用价值. 关键词:单片机;声控;光控;自动开关 ABSTRACT Currently long light is widespread in many public places and causes a great waste of energy,in response to this situation,this design designs sound and light control switch based on AT89C51 microcontroller. The design makes use of LED display technology, voice detection technology, the optical signal detection technique, the time delay, the key scan technology to control the lamp control. Test results show that photoresistor detects the light intensity and voice detection circuit detects the intensity of the sound. For example, only after dark, when someone walkes through the staircases issues footsteps or other sound, corridor light will automatically turn on to provide lighting,when people enter the house or out of the apartment, corridor lights will extinguish automatically after a few minutes delay. In the daytime, even if there is sound, the corridor lights will not light, this can be achieved the purpose of energy saving. The design has advantages of convenient operation, stable performance, and has a high practical value. Key words:Single-chip Microcomputer; Acoustic control; Light-operated; Automatic switch 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u 32156 1 引言 1 20806 2 系统硬件设计 2 9419 2.1 设计的研究内容 2 18787 2.2 单片机控制部分 2 7699 2.3 系统电路 5 14533 2.4 总原理图 13 15835 3 系统软件流程图 13 4291 3.1 延时程序 14 3199 3.2 按键扫描子程序 14 11046 3.3 LED显示程序 15 3091


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