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知识回顾Knowledge Review 考官评语: the range of grammatical structures used is the aslo wide, with only occasional minor errors. 有小错误 揭秘雅思写作5.5-6.5 让雅思写作不再成为拦路虎 一/最熟悉的陌生人 评分标准 1. Task Reponse(文章回应) 2. Coherence and cohesion ( 连贯性与衔接) 3. Lexical Resource (词汇资源) 4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy ( 语法范围和准确性) 很多考生都忽略了评分标准,其实仔细阅读,你会发现写作分数可以有质的提高。 task response 9. fully addresses all parts of the task presents a fully developed response to the question with relevant, extended and supported ideas 8. sufficiently addresses all parts of the task prersents a well-developed response to the question with relevant, extended and supported ideas 7. addresses all parts of the task presents a clear position throughout the response presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus. 6. address all parts of the task although some parts may be more fully covered than others presents a relevant position although the conclusion may become unclear or repetitive presents relevant main ideas but some may be inadequately developed/unclear ad task response 对9分的描述是最少的,所以里面包含的信息量不大。 9分标准的第一点是fully addresses all parts of the task. 也就是说9分作文需要全面回答问题。比如题目要求discuss both views 就一定要讨论双方观点;题目中如果要求解释原因,并给出解决方案,就一定要解释原因和提出解决方案。这个看似简单的标准却是最容易被忽视的。你可能常常听到很多人抱怨文章写跑题了,其实就是没能完全回应主题。 解决方案: 圈出关键词并据其写出outline task response 的9分标准的第二点是: presents a fully developed response to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas. 这一点很重要,也是绝大多数母语非英语的考生很难把握的一点。 a fully developed response 和 fully extended and well supported ideas是雅思写作的核心,意思就是作文内的论点要有提炼和展开,考生要具体说明并解释自己的观点。 7分的标准对于提炼和展开有了进一步的解释,给出了具体的要求,就是要presents表述, extend 展开and supports 支持main ideas 解决方案: 主题句+解释+例子 7分标准的第二点指出雅思大作文要presents a clear position throughout the response, 意思是要有一个清楚的贯穿全文的立场。清楚的立场指的是在大作文中,作者要立场鲜明(中国人的中庸之道不受西方人待见),贯穿全文是指开头要陈述观点,结尾要总结重申。 6分的标准第一点仍然要求全面地回答问题,但是some parts may be more fully covered than others, 有


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