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* * Measures (indicators, items) – observable, quantifiable scores obtained through self-report, interview, observation or other empirical means Constructs – abstractions that describe a phenomenon of “theoretical interest” Reflective constructs – changes in the construct create changes in the indicators. When one measure changes, they all change. Internal consistency (i.e., reliability) is paramount. Want measures that are unidimensional. Formative constructs – composite of measures. Changes in the measures cause changes in the construct. Content validity is paramount. Internal consistency is irrelevant) Example: Computer Self-Efficacy Reflective – I am capable at performing tasks on my computer. I feel confident in my ability to perform computer-related tasks. Formative – I am confident at my ability to perform tasks in MS Word. I am skillful at using Excel. Example: System Quality Reflective – Overall, I would rate the system quality of the system highly. The quality of the system is appropriate for my needs. Formative – Reliability, Ease of Use, Complexity, Accessibility, Responsiveness * Cognitive job satisfaction Affective job satisfaction * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 信度值 Cronbach α 0.80~1.00 acceptable 0.70~0.80 marginal 0.70 questionable 重测信度 低至0.50~0.60仍可接受 管理研究方法 * 形成性指标的信度 重测信度适用于估计形成性指标的信度 用多重相关系数平方(R2)作为信度值 θ = γ1x1 + γ2x2 + ……+ γkxk + ζ 管理研究方法 * 信度和效度(reliability validity) 管理研究方法 * 离职意向 我总是想着 离开这家企业。 1 2 3 4 5 不同意 同意 construct measure 构念,θ 测量,y 系统误差 reliability 随机误差 validity 效度(validity) 我们说一个测量工具是有效的,指的是该测量工具确实测量了它想要测量的对象,即,构念的效度指构念的定义与测验之间的一致性程度(Schwab, 1980)。 管理研究方法 * 操作中没有 被测量到的成分 构念效度:实际测量与理想测量的共同成分 信度较低 带来的误差 定义不准确 带来的误差 理想情况下测量应该包含的变异 实际测量时包含的变异 效度的界定 构念: 爱 【新华字典】 对人或事物有深厚真挚的感情 。 右侧的哪一项具有最高的效度? 测量: 我在情人节收到了多少花? 他/她是否愿意为我死? 他/她愿意为我作出多少牺牲? 他/她有多关心我? 他/她愿意与我分享? 管理研究方法 * 三种效度 内容效度(content validity) 效标效度(criterion validity) 构念效度(construct validity) 聚合效度(convergent validity) 区分效度


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