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PAGE xx师范学院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 浅谈勾股定理的证明方法 专 业 数学与应用数学 院 系 数学与计算机科学学院 学 号 xxxxxx 姓 名 xxx 指导教师 xxxx 答辩时间 二0一二年五月 论文工作时间:2011年12月至2012年5月 xx师范学院2012届本科毕业设计(论文) 浅谈勾股定理的证明方法 学 生:xxx 指导老师:xxx 摘 要:本文讨论了勾股定理的证明和思想.这个定理在中国又称为“ 商高定理”,在外国称为“ 毕达哥拉斯定理”或者“百牛定理”.(毕达哥拉斯发现了这个定理后,即斩了百头牛作庆祝,因此又称“ 百牛定理”), 法国、 比利时人又称这个定理为“ 驴桥定理”. 勾股定理,它描述的是直角三角形三边的数量关系.为什么叫勾股定理呢?这是中国古代的一种说法.所谓勾股,古人把一个弯曲成直角的手臂,上臂称为勾,前臂称为股,所以称之为勾股定理.勾股定理是数学中发现最早的一个定理. 勾股定理是几何学中的明珠,所以它充满魅力.千百年来,人们对它的证明趋之若骛,其中有著名的数学家,也有业余数学爱好者,有普通的老百姓,也有尊贵的政要权贵,甚至有国家总统.也许是因为勾股定理既重要又简单,更容易吸引人,反复被人论证.1940年出版过一本名为《毕达哥拉斯命题》的勾股定理的证明专辑,其中有的十分精彩,有的十分简洁,有的因为证明者身份的特殊而非常著名. 关键词:勾股定理;证明;思想; Application of the Pythagorean theorem in mathematics Undergraduate: xxxx Supervisor: xxxx Abstract: This article discusses the proof of Pythagorean Theorem and geometry. This theorem in China is also known as the business in foreign high theorem, called the Pythagorean theorem or hundred cattle theorem. (Pythagoras discovered this theorem, namely cut per cow for celebration, also known as the hundred cattle theorem), the French, Belgians and called the theorem as the bridge of asses. the Pythagorean Theorem, which describes the relationship between the number of the three side of a right triangle. Why is called the Pythagorean Theorem? This is an ancient Chinese saying. The so-called Pythagorean, the a bent at a right angle to the arm, upper arm called hook, forearm known as the unit, so called the Pythagorean theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem is a mathematical was found in one of the earliest theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem is the geometry of the Pearl; therefore it is full of charm. For thousands of years, people on the proof of it like a flock of ducks, including the famous mathematician, also have spare math enthusiasts; there are ordinary people, but a


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