animal farm书籍英文介绍.ppt

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Animal Farm The author The background The characters The plots The Seven Commandments The author Geroge Orwell was a British author and journalist. His work is marked by keen(敏锐的)intelligence and wit(才智), a profound(渊博的) awareness of social injustice, an intense, revolutionary opposition to totalitarianism,(极权主义) a passion for clarity in language and brief in democratic socialism.(民主社会主义) The author Considered perhaps the twentieth centurys best chronicler(年代记编者) of English culture, Orwell wrote fiction, polemical (有争辩的) journalism, literary criticism and poetry. He is best known for the dystopian(反乌托邦的) novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and the satirical(讽刺的) novel Animal Farm. The background The book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. Animal Farm allegorizes(比喻) the rise to power of the dictator Joseph Stalin. In the novel, the overthrow(推翻) of the human oppressor(压迫者) Mr. Jones by a democratic coalition(联合) of animals quickly gives way to the consolidation(统一) of power among the pigs. Much like the Soviet intelligentsia(知识分子), the pigs establish themselves as the ruling class in the new society. The struggle between Leon Trotsky(托洛斯基,俄国革命领导者) and Stalin emerges in the rivalry(竞争) between the pigs Snowball and Napoleon. Although Orwell believed strongly in socialist ideals, he felt that the Soviet Union realized these ideals in a terribly perverse(固执错误的) form. The characters Old Major An old boar(公猪) whose speech rouses the animals into rebellion. His philosophy is called Animalism. He teaches the animals the song of Beats of England. Snowball A young boar who becomes one of the rebellions most valuable leaders. He draws complicated plans for the windmill.(风车) Napoleon A boar, who, with Snowball, leads the rebellion ag


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