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英语语法——介词 目录 介词概述及其分类 介词按结构的分类 介词按意思的分类 介词短语 介词短语在句子中的作用 介词短语作状语 介词短语作定语 介词短语作表语或作宾语的补语 成语动词 介词成语 介词用法口诀 表示在某节日和周末用何介词 交通工具前的介词 except, except for与 except-clause的区别 内容 介词概述及其分类 一、 介词的定义 介词是一种用来表示词与词, 或者词与句之间的关系的词,在句中不能单独作句成分。介词一定要有宾语,充当宾语的一般有名词、代词或相当于名词的其它词、短语或句子,短语或从句。 二、 介词的种类 1.介词按结构分类: (1)简单介词 (2)合成介词 (3)带-ing词尾的介词 (4)成语介词 2.介词按意思分类 (1)表示地点位置的介词 (2)表示时间的介词 (3)表示运动方向的介词 (4)表示“在……之间”的介词 (5)表示其他意义的介词 介词按结构的分类 从结构上看,介词可以分为下面几类: 1.简单介词 about? above? across? after? against? along? amid(st)? around? as? at? before? behind? below? beneath? beside? besides? between? beyond? but? by? despite? down? during? except? for? from? in? like? minus? near? of? off? on? opposite? over? past? per? plus? round? since? than? through? till? to? toward(s)? under? underneath? unlike? untill? up? via? with? worth? ? 2.合成介词 alongside inside? into? onto? out of? outside throughout upon within without 3.带-ing词尾的介词 barring concerning considering? excepting excluding failing following including pending regarding 4.成语介词 according to ahead of along with apart from as for as from? as regards? as to? because of? but for? by means of? due to? except for? in accordance with? in front of? in place of? in spite of? instead of? in view of? near to? next to? on account of on behalf of? owing to? prior to together with up to? in regard of? 以上成语都起着与介词同样的作用,因此许多语法学家把它们称作成语介词。 介词按意思的分类 1.表示地点位置的介词 in (Beijing) at (the airport) across (the river)? to (town)? down (the river)? under (the tree)? near (the park) ? between (two trees)? over (our heads)? from (the city)? into (the water)? through (the door)? onto (the stage)? off (the wall)? outside (the house)? out of (the room)? inside (the building)? within (the area)? beside (the river)? behind (the house)? below (the surface)? among (the mountains)? beyond (the hill)? against (the wall)? around (the lake) before (the children)? up (the hill)? ahead of (us)? via (Hong Kong)? in front?of (us) u


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