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设计运用现代、简约的设计手法,坚持以人为本的原则。融合欧式景观元素,打造深具文化内涵、艺术化的精品社区典范,重点体现小区的品质,创造简约异域风情园林。设计讲究园林的轴对称,景观空间形态采用点、线、面结合的手法,营造气势非凡的氛围。在空间上划分出入口阵列感的礼仪空间和宅间组团空间;“形散神聚”是欧式风格的主要特点,在纵横开阖,步移景异中,展现欧式园林的精致与尊贵。 在材料运用方面,用简化的手法、现代的材料和加工工艺去追求传统欧式式样的大致轮廓特点。在铺地材料的运用上,我们采用简约大气的铺装形态,体现简洁、质朴、优雅、大气、宁静且富有品质的欧式风骨。白色、黄色、金色、暗红色是欧式风格中的主色调,少量白色揉合,使色彩看起来明快。构架通过纤细华丽的简化柱式来表现,巧用对景、点景的造景手法,丰富景观效果。 With modern and simple design approach as well as people-oriented principle adopted and European landscape elements integrated in the design, a model refined and artistic residential community with profound cultural implication is created which not only shows its high-end quality but also presents simple but exotic garden landscape. The designer gives concern to the symmetrical pattern of landscape, but also utilizes approaches of dots, lines and interfaces in spatial layout to create an imposing ambience. The spatial design is divided into the ceremonial entry areas with sense of sequence and courtyard spaces serving as leisure areas for the residents. The design with “dispersing shape but concentrating spirit” reveals reflects the main character of the European style. Open and enclosed spaces, changing and varied landscape demonstrates the refinement and nobleness of the European garden. As far as the materials are concerned, simplified and modern materials and processing techniques are employed to achieve the characters of traditional European patterns. Regarding the paving materials, simple and grand paving patterns are used to reflect the simple, unsophisticated, elegant, grand, serene and superior European quality. White, yellow, golden, dark red are the main tones of the European style, with some tint of light colors incorporated to make the color appearing more vivid. The design of the trellises focuses on their slim and gorgeous columns. Besides, approaches of opposite scenery and focal scenery are adopted to render more varied landscape effect. 项目位于天津市滨海新区中新天津生态城项目起步区内,北临中新大道,东临中生大道,南邻和韵路。 本小区分为一期,二期。中间由一条商业


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