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2 General Etiquette一般习俗礼仪(英语国家) What is Etiquette? Etiquette is respect, good manners, and good behavior. It is not just each of these things, but it is all of these things rolled into one. Webster defines it as "the forms, manners, and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or required in social relations, in a profession, or in official life.“ 3 Classification ( From the respect of transmitting, interpersonal rituals ) : Business etiquette service etiquette social etiquette foreign etiquette Chief etiquette etiquette 4 social etiquette Business etiquette Meeting People Dining Introduction Handshakes Eye contact Chinese Western Business Attire Business Card Telephone Office 5 Questions: What’s the “first custom” in the international society? 被国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是什么? “Lady first”. 6 Meeting People When meeting people both your nonverbal and verbal behavior help to define your social skills. Using effective handshakes, good eye contact, and making the proper introductions show proper etiquette. 7 A. Handshakes 8 To an effective handshake: Say your name and extend your hand. Handshakes are vital in social situations. Develop a comfortable handshake and keep it consistent. Handshakes should not be too hard; or too soft. Make a solid connection of the web skin between the thumb and forefinger. The host or person with the most authority usually initiates the handshake. 9 Which Is Wrong ? CORRECT FALSE 10 B. Eye contact Eye contact is another critical factor when meeting people. Eye contact increases trust. It shows confidence and good interpersonal skills. Eye contact shows respect for the person and business situation. 11 C. Introduction Proper introductions help to establish rapport when meeting people. Authority defines whose name is said first. Say the name of the most important person first and then the name of the person being introduced. 12 Introduce people in the following order: -- a man to a woman --younger to olde


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