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34 4 ——— Vol.34  No.4 2 0 0 9 7 Earth Science— Journal of China University of Geosciences July  2 0 0 9 、 赖晓玲 ,李松林 ,宋占龙,樊计昌,刘明军,何加勇2 .中国地震局地球物理勘探中心, 河南郑州 450002 2.中国地震局地球物理研究所, 北京 0008 :/, 8 ., . , 0.3 ~0.5 km/s.46 ~48km.NE - , NW -, , Moho C . , 05°E , 7 km , NS , , , , NS .8 05°E , NS . :;;;. :P63 .4     :000-2383(2009)04-065 -07     :2008- 0-28 Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle in Tianshui-Wudu Strong Earthquake Region of North-South Tectonic Belt 2 LAI Xiao-ling , LI Song-lin , SONG Zhan-long , FAN Ji-chang , LIU Ming-jun , HE Jia-yong .Geophy sical Exp loration Center, China E arthquake Admin istration, Zhengz hou 450002, China 2.Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake A dministration, Beij ing 0008 , China Abstract:The structure of crust and upper mantle in Tianshui-Wudu strong earthquake region is studied by using DSS data from two cross high resolution refraction / wide angle reflection profiles and corresponding fan profiles.The 2-D result show s that the crust can be vertically divided into tw o layers:upper crust and low er crust.There exists a low velocity layer in the up- per crust w ith velocity difference of 0.3-0.5 km/s.The depth of Moho is about 46-48km.There is a st rong lateral variation in the low er crust along the NE Tianshui-Wudu profile.And along the NW Chengxian-Wushan profile, there are some evi- dences showing that the Moho and C discontinuities are changed by substances from the deep layer.The 3-D result shows that there is a fault w ith near NS strike at the depth of 7- km near 05°E.The velocities at the tw o sides of this fault are quite different:low velocity at the w est side and high velocity at the east side.This NS fault is


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