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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer;;He is one of the American’s?greatest?writers,journalists?and?humorists.He is also the founder of US critical realism literature,renowned world short story master.The greatest humorist of the 19th century in American literature. ; life experience; About The background ;Being generally regarded as a boy’s story,the book is all about Tom and his gang.While spending a summer with Aunt Polly in a drowsy Mississippi River town,Tom and his buddies Huck and Joe take a series of adventure there. They witness a horrible murder committed by Injun Joe. Finally,Tom returns to school and become a hero at the trial of Muff Potter when he reveals Injun Joe’s guilt. When Injun dies,his treasure is divided between Tom and Huck,who is now adopted by Widow Douglas.Twain had made Tom the hero of American boyhood,and the book had become the classic read in schools.By telling this story, Twain fulfils his and other adult’s dreams of ideal boyhood. All the cruelties and fears,wonders and joys of childhood are brought into vividness. ? ;? ;The novel’s main character Tom is a mischievous boy with a great imagination who spends most of the time getting him in trouble.Tom has a kind heart and respects other people’s feelings.He becomes more and more mature as the story progresses.;Huck is Tom’s best friend and fellow adventurer. Abandoned by his drunken father,he lives on his own and by his own rules.Huck is very laidback and independent.Most adults disapprove of him and other children envy him for his freedom. Polly is Tom’s aunt and guardian.Aunt Polly is a nice lady but she can be mean and strict at times.Overall, Aunt Polly just wants to be loved by the most important people Sid and Tom in her life at the moment.;Analysis of this novel from children’s perspective;Flexible, Varied, Fluid Twain certainly has a flexible style; he can suit his words quite easily to the situation, whether he is describing the thoughts of Tom or expounding upon some lofty s


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