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中国商业银行资本结构与 经营绩效关系研究 重庆大学硕士学位论文 学生姓名: 指导教师: 专业:产业经济学 学科门类:经济学 重庆大学贸易与行政学院 二 年 月 Study on the Relationship between Capital Structure and Business Performance of China’s Commercial bank 摘 要 资本结构不仅影响企业的资本成本,而且还通过影响企业的治理结构及经理 行为,进而影响企业的总体经营绩效。商业银行是经营货币商品的特殊企业,其 资本是商业银行经营的基础和风险保证,银行的资本结构对于实现商业银行的财 务目标和稳健经营起着至关重要的作用。对于商业银行资本结构与经营绩效关系 问题的研究,不仅可以从资本结构方面找出提高我国商业银行经营绩效的途径和 应该采取的措施,从而提升商业银行的经营效率和竞争力,而且还可以为进一步 有效推进金融体制的改革,促进中国银行业的健康、高效发展提供合理的依据和 相应的政策建议。 基于对国内外研究现状的认识,本文首先从债务结构和权益结构两个方面分 析了我国商业银行的资本结构,然后引入EVA的评价方法来考察商业银行的经营绩效,最后运用多元回归的方法对商业银行的资本结构和经营绩效进行了实证分析,考虑到银行业的特殊性,主要从股权集中度和股权结构两个方面考察了股权结构对经营绩效的影响。研究结论表明:股权集中度方面,本文认为商业银行的经营绩效和第一大股东的持股比例和性质负相关,和前十大股东的持股比例正相关;股权结构方面,商业银行的经营绩效和法人股、流通股及外资股成正相关的关系,最后,针对前文的实证分析结果,剖析了原因,并从资本结构的角度提出了提高商业银行经营绩效的政策建议。 关键字:商业银行,资本结构,经营绩效,EVA ABSTRACT Capital structure affects not only the capital cost,but also the overall business performance by influencing the governance structure of enterprises and the behavior ofmanagers.The Commercial bank is the special enterprise which operating currency,itscapital is the basis and the risk guarantee of commercial banks,so the capital structureof the commercial bank plays a vital role in realizing the financial goals and moderateoperation for commercial bank.Through the research of the relationship between thecapital structure and business performance of commercial bank,we can find ways andmeasures to improve commercial bank’s performance in the view of capital structure soas to enhance the operational efficiency and the competitiveness of commercial bank,the research also can provide us some reasonable evidences and corresponding advices in helping us push the reform of financial system further and promote the healthy andefficient development of China’s banking sectorBased on the existent researches both at home and aboard,the study first analysisthe capital structure of China’s commercial bank from two aspects:debt structure andequity ownership structure,then we analysis the business performance of Ch


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