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PAGE 通过图片教学方法提高小学生英语单词认读兴趣Enhancing Young Learners’ Word Recognition Interest through Pictures 论文摘要 小学生学习英语,单词认读能力的培养和训练非常重要,然而多数学生在单词认读方面存在困难,在单词的发音和理解方面有困难,必须准确认读每一个单词或认读时很容易疲倦等问题。笔者通过从学生学习单词的方法入手,对如何提高小学生词汇认读兴趣进行分析,发现在目前的小学英语教学中,多数教师采用图片教学词汇的方法,注意让学生认读单词或句子,并提供给学生有情节的、感兴趣的图片材料,从而进一步引导学生理解词汇含义。 据以上所述及分析,作为一名小学英语教师的笔者,在单词认读教学过程中增添了一系列的图片,并对其教学效果进行了研究。研究的目的是:激发小学生对英语单词认读能力的兴趣并建立起英语的语感,训练和引导学生养成正确的单词认读能力习惯,帮助学生明确识别什么和如何读得地道,进而提高学生单词认读的能力。本课题假设:图片教学的方法较之传统的一本书、一支笔及反复诵读的教学方法更能吸引学生注意力,更能有效地提高学生的单词认读兴趣。 本课题的教案包括两个系列图片,侧重对小学生单词认读的训练,通过图片展示的情景,帮助学生有目的地识别并认清主要含义,指导学生揣摩发音,进一步理解词汇,为进一步掌握单词奠定基础。在同一小学三、五年级的班级经过为期四周的教学实验,收集了课堂观察,以及实验后的问卷调查和学生访谈等数据。这些数据有效地表明,学生的单词认读兴趣通过图片教学的方法得到更有效的培养和提高。 本课题研究成果,可提供给小学教师一条提高学生单词认读兴趣的有效途径,使不同程度的学生在短时间内在单词认读能力方面都能有相应的提高,进而养成正确的朗读、记忆单词。 关键词:兴趣 图片教学方法 认读 Abstract Word recognition tasks are extremely important in the primary language classroom. This paper presents a detailed report of a project whose objective is to solve the problem that young learners have in listening. The young learners have been bored and tired with the traditional way as reciting the word by rote. The project hypothesis was that students’ word recognition interest could be better enhanced through picture practice, because it is an interesting approach that can help the students to focus on the general ideas first,the message of the word, and then the specific information, the spelling and the pronunciation of the word, next. The specific activity lesson plan involved various real life topics and activities for young learners, which hoped to help the students build the skills for what to know and how to read because these pictures meet students’ needs and interests. All students in this project implementation are Grade Three and Five students in a primary school. During implementation, three research tools are used, which include teacher’s reflection notes, questionnaire and the student interview. The data produced were collected and analyzed to testify the hypothes


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