国际商务英语[王秀华 等][试题库及答案].doc

国际商务英语[王秀华 等][试题库及答案].doc

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PAGE PAGE 42 《国际商务英语》 试卷1 班级 学号 姓名 题次 一 二 三 四 五 总分 标准分 25 15 35 15 10 100 得分 得分Part 得分 1. To win customer loyalty, many companies have a code of _______, or set of rules, for customer care. ( ) A. service B. goods C. practice D. law 2. Many well-known companies are _____, these are companies which operate in a number of countries. ( ) A. parent company B. subsidiaries C. holding company D. multinationals 3. Business people often have to travel a lot. They have to plan an _____ for a foreign business trip to make good use of their time. ( ) A. colleagues B. VD C. ID card D. itinerary 4. Sometimes companies realize that not achieving their _____ or objectives effectively, that is, they are not getting the results they need. ( ) A. goals B. strategy C. a SWOT analysis D. troubleshooting 5. Retailers buy goods directly from the manufacturer or from a wholesaler, and make their income from the _____, or difference, between the price they pay for the goods and the price they sell the goods _____ the consumer. ( ) A. market, at B. retail outlet, to C. margin, at to D. margin, at 6. A good advertisement, which brings the product to the public’s attention, should describe these_____. ( ) A. customer profile B. products C. the benefits of the product D. USPs 7. _____, that is your professional position, and achievement, doing something well, can be important. ( ) A. motivation B. status C. statue D. interview 8. Some companies really value their employees and see them as the company’s main______. ( ) A. mass B. assess C.


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