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85 sheltered housing units for senior and public facilities by GRND82 2016-04-18 错落有致的虚实-巴塞罗那保障性公寓设计 ? 建筑 Architecture ?关键词 Keywords:? apartment? bareclona? eco-building? GRND82? Spain? 公寓? 巴塞罗那? 生态建筑? 西班牙 ? \o 评论 Comment 1??18 查看相册 View Gallery 非常感谢? GRND82?将以下内容授权gooood发行。更多关于他们: GRND82?on?gooood Appreciation towards? GRND82?for providing the following description: 项目背景 Preexistences 本项目位于巴塞罗城北的一片坡地上,基底与“La Clota”公园的东北边缘相接,其一侧是50年代城郊化运动时建起的大片城市公寓和住宅,另一侧则是90年代奥运会建设的场馆和其他服务设施。梯形的场地在长边方向保持了大致的水平,而在短边方向则有3.5米的高差。建筑主体空间朝向东、南,向前眺望是“La Clota”公园以及其后巴塞罗那壮观的全景。6500平方米的社会福利保障住房将包括85间老年人公寓、4间拥有单独出入口的残障人士住房和28个车位。此外,公寓前还需建设一个占地2000平米的居民活动中心。 The site is located on the east vertex of “La Clota” park, on the north edge of Barcelona. It’s located in a transition area with a considerable slope, inbetween the consolidated tissue of the city and Tibidabo hillside, originally occupied by a few housing blocks built during the migratory movements of the 50’s and consolidated as a facilities area during the beginning of the 90’s for the olympic games. The plot is a 3.500m2 trapezoidal shape with a 3,5 meters gap on the short axis and mainly horitzontal on the long one. It has an excellent south-east orientation and it has some impressive views of Barcelona with “La Clota” park in first term. The project has to solve a program of 6500m2 of social housing with 85 dwellings for elderly people, 4 special dwellings for handicap people (with independent access), and parking space for 28 cars. There are also 2000m2 of public facilities with a civil center. ▽ 环绕建筑的城市居民公寓和住宅,以及其前方的公园,housing blocks around the building and the “La Clota” to the south ▽ 位于坡地上的建筑building on the slope ? 设计策略 Main strategies 项目中超过90%的房间为东南朝向,充足光线照亮了室内空间,也减少了能源的浪费。单层的文化中心占据了场地的主要空间,以保证良好的采光以及和公园的紧密联系。仅有3层高的公寓建筑则沿场地的东侧和北侧边缘排列展开,与周边的住宅建筑在高度上保持协调。半下沉式的停车场和居民活动中心体量消解了场地中3.5米的高差。其屋顶被视作建筑的第五立面,灰白色的屋顶与旁边公园内的网球场地遥相呼应,完全开放的通透立面彰显着其公共属性,为整个社区带来源源不绝的活力。东南朝向的寓所、对流的通风系统,冬暖夏凉的大进深阳台,节水设备的使用和太阳能供水供热系统,建筑师采用了各种直接或间接


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