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机电一体化毕业设计方案交流双速电梯PLC控制系统的设计 PAGE ZHEJIANG WATER CONSERVANCY AND HYDROPOWER COLLEGE 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 交流双速电梯PLC控制系统的设计 系 (部): 机械电子工程系 专业班级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2012 年 月 日 浙江水利水电专科学校毕业设计(论文) 摘要 目前电梯设计使用可编程控制器(PLC),要求功能变化灵活,编程简单,故障少,噪音低。维修保养方便,节能省工,抗干扰能力强,控制箱占地面积少。当乘员进入电梯,按下楼层按钮,电梯门自动关闭后.控制系统进行下列运作:根据轿厢所处位置及乘员所处层数.判定轿厢运行方向,保证轿厢平层时减速。将轿厢停在选定的楼层上;同时,根据楼层的呼叫,顺路停车,自动开关门。另外在轿厢内外均要有信号灯显示电梯运行方向及楼层数。交流双速电梯的机构简单、价格较低、使用和维护都较为方便,对其进行必要的改造后,可改善牵引电动机调速不够平滑、舒适性较差等缺点。PLC控制的交流双速电梯既提高了电梯的乘坐舒适性,也减少了人的参与,操作也更加简单干便。 关键词 PLC;控制系统;程序语言;交流双速电梯 Abstract Currently elevator design USES programmable logic controller (PLC), flexible, simple programming function, low noise, low malfunction. Maintenance convenience, save energy and strong anti-jamming capability, control box area. When the crew into the elevator, press the button, the floor automatically closed the door after the operation. The control system according to enclosure position and crew are layers. Determine enclosure movement direction, ensure enclosure flat layer. To stop the car on the floor, At the same time, according to the floor of the call, the road parking, automatic. In the enclosure and all have light show elevator running direction and several floors. Exchange two-speed elevator of simple structure, low prices, use and maintenance are relatively easy, carries on the necessary renovation, improves traction motor speed is not smooth, comfort shortcomings. PLC control communication two-speed elevator can improve the elevator ride comfort, also reduced the peoples participation, the operation is more simple and dry. KeyWords PLC; Control system; Programming languages;Exchange two-speed elevator 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 0 Abstract 0 0 引言 1 1. PLC的结构及基本指令 1 1.1 PLC的结构原理 1 1.2 PLC的基本工作原理 2 1.3 PLC 的功能和优点 2 1.3.1 PLC的功能 2 1.3.2 可编程控制器PLC 的优点 3 1.4 PLC的软件系统 3 1.5 PLC的编程语


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