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TOC \o 1-1 \h \z \u 1. 高等数学(Advanced Mathematics) 1
2. 大学生思想修养(Moral Cultivation of college students) 2
3. 体育(P.E)(1,2,3) 2
4. 心理学(modern psychology) 2
5. 计算机文化基础(Software Technique Foundation Design) 2
6. 普通物理学(General Physics) 2
7. 金工实习(Metalworking Practice) 2
8. 程序设计(programming) 3
9. 法律基础(Law Basis) 3
10. 普通物理实验(General Physics Experiment) 3
11. 电路理论基础(Electric Circuit Theories) 3
12. 电工实习(Electronic Processes Internship) 4
13. 数字技术基础(Electronic Technology Fundamentals) 4
14. 电子技术基础实验(Electronic Technology fundamental Experiment) 6
15. 电磁场(Electromagnetic Field) 6
16. 自动控制理论(Automation Control Theory) 6
17. 信号与系统(Signals and Systems) 7
18. Introductory Control 8
19. 微机原理(Single Chip Microcomputer Principle and Application) 8
20. 电机学(Electrical Machinery) 9
21. 电力电子技术(Power Electronic Technology ) 9
22. 电气工程基础(fundamentals of electrical engineering) 11
23. 电力系统自动化(electrical power system automation) 12
24. 继电保护(relay protection of power system) 12
25. 电气电子测试(Fundamentals of Test Measurement Technology) 12
26. 数据结构(Data Structures and Algorithms) 15
27. 离散数学(discrete mathematics) 15
28. 数据库(database) 15
高等数学(Advanced Mathematics)
It’s not only tell us how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages, actually,Mathematics is a study of patterns and relationships; a science and a way of thinking; an art, characterized by order and internal consistency; a language, using carefully defined terms and symbols
大学生思想修养(Moral Cultivation of college students)
This course mainly talked about moral education and value education to the college student, a lot of reality stories are told in the class to make us conscious of right things and the wrong, in a word, It’s aim is to teach us to be good people.
In our school, you can chose 1 kind of sport to learn each year, I learned tennis ball in my frosh year and I liked it very much
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