冀教版九年级英语全 Unit 2 Lesson9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”课件 .ppt

冀教版九年级英语全 Unit 2 Lesson9 China’s Most Famous “Farmer”课件 .ppt

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添加页脚 添加页脚 添加页脚 * Lesson 9 China’s most famous Farmer 定州新华中学 宋丽芝 冀教版九年级 Yuan Longping * Teaching aims: 1.Learn the key words: introduction, leader, produce 2.Master the key phrases of lesson 9 and learn to use them. 3.Know about Yuan Longping and learn his quality to achieve our dreams. * Lesson 9 China’s most famous Farmer Step Ⅰ Key Words 1. /??ntr??d?k??n/ n. 采用;引进;推行 2. /pr??dju:s/ v. 生产;出产 3. /?li:d?/ n. 领导者;领袖 * introduction leader produce Step Ⅱ Discuss the key words 1. (n) 采用,引进,推行; 相关短语:对……的引进(采用) 举例:The of the new technology made a lot of money for us. 拓展:(v) 介绍;句型结构: 举例:Mary her friends to me. introduce introduction the introduction of… introduction introduced * introduce A to B 2.produce (v)生产,出产; 举例:Silk (produce)in Suzhou. 拓展: (n) 产品; 举例:A number of (product) are on show. 拓展: (n) 产量; 举例:The of goods increased to 5000. is produced products production product production * 3.leader (n) 领导; 拓展: (v) 带路,指路;(过去式,过去分词) ; 句型结构: 带领…做… . 带领…去… . 导致,通向 . 举例:He (lead) us to the park yesterday. Working hard (通向) success. Eating less meat leads to (lose) weight. lead led lead sb. to do sth. lead sb. to sp. lead to n./ving led leads to losing * Step Ⅲ Skimming: read the text and fill in the blanks. People call Yuan Longping the “Father of Hybrid Rice”. In 1973,together with other scientists, he succeeded in hybrid rice. The of this new product made China a in rice . Because of Dr.Yuan’s hard work, China now enough rice to feed its people every year. He also has many other interests. He loves playing the violin, listening to music, reading and swimming. produces introduction leader production * developing Step Ⅳ Scannin



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