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Lowering the
cost of energy
A new era for offshore wind power Technology geared towards profitability
We stand on the threshold of a revolution in wind power, With the launch of the 164-7.0 MW Vestas introduces
as the potential of the offshore wind power market is fully design choices to drive your profitability to new levels in
recognised. With the right equipment and strategy, huge offshore wind.
returns on investment are achievable. The challenges
associated with harvesting offshore wind are clear – the · Maximising the amount of energy capture, not only with
large scale of projects, the distance from shore, the depths the huge rotor diameter of 164m, but also through an
of installation and safety. That’s why we at Vestas, having optimal rotor to generator ratio
pioneered the offshore industry since its dawn, have develo- · Reducing operations and maintenance costs by enabling
ped a new generation of turbines 100 per cent dedicated customers to run fewer, larger turbines
to offshore environments. · Reducing the scale and risk of investment required,
as fewer turbines also means fewer foundations and
less cabling
· Maximising your return on investment thanks to the 25
year structural design life of the V164-7.0 MW - out-
standing by industry standards. This gives you a longer
period to generate energy, and a
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