九年级外研版英语1module1 unit1 what is a wonder of the wor.ppt

九年级外研版英语1module1 unit1 what is a wonder of the wor.ppt

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Module1 Wonders of the world New words wonder 奇迹 / 想知道 band   乐队 review 评论/复习 ancient 古老的/ 古人 composition 作文 grade 成绩 年级 pyramid 金字塔 pupil 学生 meeting 会议 listen up  注意听 call 叫做、名为、打电话 event 事件/比赛项目 natural 自然的 Language points * * * Did you go on a trip in the summer holiday? Where did you go to visit? Is it a natural or man-made wonder? Warming up Unit 1 What’s a wonder of the world? the Great Wall It is one of the greatest wonders in China. It is a man-made wonder. Pyramid(s) in Egypt They are ancient. The people in Egypt built them about 4,500 years ago. a wonder of the world. the Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁) in Australia.It’ a natrual wonder. Tony wants to write a composition about it and he wants good grades. School Dance Wonderful World Friday 7:30 “One of Beijing’s best new bands” ----Book review What do you think? Wonderful? Bad? Boring?Interesting? Modern? Ancient? Club? Concert ? Band? Worker? Listen and check the words you hear. Now read the answers and think of the questions. Wonderful World . What’s the name of the band ? 1 Friday. 2 Dance club. 3 About 4,500 years ago. 4 Australia. 5 300 words. ____ is the concert? ____ is Lingling going on Friday? When did the people in Egypt bulit ___ ________? ____ is the Great Barrier Reef? ____ ____ ____ do they have to write to get good grades? When Where The pyramids Where How many words 1.Becky Wang is a singer of the band Crazy feet. 2.Betty started a school magazine. 3.Tony will do some reviews about their favourite bands and movies. 4.Homework help will give some ideas on how to get good grades. Let’s listen and tell True or false Act.3 unit1 Read and complete the form Betty: write the articles Tony: _________________ Lingling: _______________ Daming: write compositions Staff (全体职员)


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