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Algorithmic Number Theory (Part III: Discrete Logarithm) Outline [1] Discrete Logarithm Problem [2] Algorithms for Discrete Logarithm A trivial algorithm Shanks’ algorithm Pollard’s algorithm Pohlig-Hellman algorithm Adleman’s algorithm (the index calculus method) [3] Cryptosystems Based on Discrete Logarithm Key distribution Encryption Digital signature [1] Discrete Logarithm Problem Let G is a finite cyclic group of size n generated by generator g, i.e. G = g = {g i | i = 1, 2, …, n} or {g i | i = 0, 1, …, n-1} Given g and i, it is easy to compute gi by repeated squaring Discrete logarithm problem Given , find x such that We denote Discrete Logarithm Problem Example 1 G = Z*19 = { 1, 2, …, 18} n=18, generator g = 2 then log214 = 7 log26 = 14 Discrete Logarithm Problem Example 2 In Z*11 = { 1, 2, …, 10} Let G= 3 ={1, 3, 9, 5, 4}, n=5, 3 is not a generator of Z*11 but a generator of G. log35 = 3 Discrete Logarithm Problem Example 3 G=GF*(23) with irreducible poly. p(x) = x3 + x +1 G=Z*p/p(x) = { 1, x, x2, 1+x, 1+x2, x+x2, 1+x+x2 } n=7, generator g = x then logx(x+1) = 3 logx(x2+x+1) = 5 logx(x2+1) = 6 [2] Algorithms for Discrete Logarithm A trivial algorithm Shanks’ algorithm (Baby-step giant-step) Pollard rho discrete log algorithm Pohlig-Hellman algorithm The index calculus method A trivial algorithm Discrete Logarithm Problem in Z*p given generator g and a in Z*p, find x in Zp-1 such that a = gx mod p A trivial algorithm Compute gi for all i Search table for a Time complexity O(p) Shanks’ algorithm Shanks’ algorithm (1972) Compute L1 = {(i, gmi), i = 0, 1, …, m-1} L2 = {(i, ag-i), i = 0, 1, …, m-1} where m = ceiling((p-1) ?) Sort L1 and L2 with respect to the 2nd coordinate. Find the same 2nd coordinate from L1 and L2, say, (q, gmq), (r, ag-r), to get gmq =ag-r. So a = gmq + r and x=mq+r. Time complexity O(m


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