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PAGE 34 农村幼儿园中大班幼儿安全认知的调查研究 中英文摘要 摘要:本研究旨在了解农村幼儿园中大班幼儿安全认知现状。研究在确定研究任务和制定评定工具的基础上,应用访谈法,对N市J区M幼儿园60名幼儿进行深入访谈,对安全认知的五个方面分别从年龄、性别以及幼儿对安全认知不同内容的认知特点这三个角度进行初步、系统的探讨。结果发现:(1)中大班幼儿总体安全认知水平存在显著的年龄差异,大班幼儿认知水平较中班幼儿有显著的提高;(2)幼儿安全认知水平不存在显著的性别差异,女性幼儿对于行为活动所引起的安全事故的判断水平以及对事故的应对水平高于男性幼儿,而男性幼儿则在对安全标志和特殊号码的认识水平上高于女性幼儿;(3)幼儿对于安全认知的不同内容的认知水平有所差别。研究结果表明,幼儿的思维发展水平和早期的安全教育制约、促进和主导着幼儿安全认知的发展,针对这种结果,笔者提出了几条具体的教育建议,以供参考。 关键词:安全认知;农村幼儿园;中大班;调查 Abstract: This paper aims at finding out the current situation about safety cognition of children in countryside kindergartens. On the basis of determination on the primary research mission and the evaluation tool, and with the interview method, 60 children from middle-top classes of M Kindergartens,J District,N City were thoroughly interviewed. Five aspects of safety cognition have been discussed in this research, elementary and systemic discussion about the five aspects was developed from three aspects,they are age, gender and the cognition characteristic of different content of safety cognition. The results are shown as follows. Children’s safety cognition level has significant age difference, the safety cognition of children from top class is better than that of children from middle class. Children’s safety cognition level has no significant gender difference, girls show a higher standard than boys on the judgment to safety accidents and relevant strategy towards behavioral accidents, while boys know more safety signs and special service numbers than girls. Children’s safety cognition level has difference with different content of safety cognition. As the research result shows, the though development level as well as the early safe education restrict, promote and dominant the children’s safety cognition development. In the view of these research results, the writer puts forward concrete suggestions for reference. Keywords: safety cognition;countryside kindergartens;middle-top class;survey 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 中英文摘要 1 第一部分 问题的提出 6


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