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六级学前测 第1部分 第2部分 1. Her face ________ when she cannot answer the easy question. flourishes flutters flashes flushes 答案:flushes 解析: flourish v. 繁荣,昌盛; flutter v. 摆动;烦扰; flash v. 闪过,略过; flush v. 发红,冲洗; 译文:当她答不出这简单问题时,脸红了。 2. Her sense of humor ________ him enormously. appealed for is appealing appealed appealed to 答案:appealed to 解析: appeal v. 对某人有吸引力;呼吁;上诉; appeal为不及物动词,一般用作appeal to; appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力;向某人呼吁某事; 译文:她的幽默感把他强烈地吸引住了。 3. He likes to ________ from the bus to the Blue Line at 103rd Street in Watts. convey convert transfer make 答案:transfer 解析: convey v. 表达,传达,运输; convert v. 变换,转换; transfer v. 转乘;转移; make v. 做,制造,使得; 译文:他喜欢在华兹区第 103 大街下公交车转乘地铁蓝线。 4. I am glad to ________ you that your mother has arrived. notify magnify note mash 答案:notify 解析: notify v.通知,告知; magnify v. 放大; 赞美; note v. 注意,记录; mash v. 磨碎,捣碎; 译文:我很高兴告诉你,你母亲到了。 5. The only ________ that building is along that muddy track. access for access to excess to excess for 答案:access to 解析: access to 固定搭配,表示到达某处的途径; excess n. 过度,过量; 译文:到达那个建筑物的唯一途径是沿着那条泥泞的小路前行。 6. They threatened to ________ her in southern Spain. exclude eject impel exile 答案:exile 解析: exclude v. 排除,排斥; eject v. 喷射,驱逐,逐出; impel v. 推动,驱动; exile v. 流放,放逐; 译文:他们威胁要将她流放到西班牙南部。 7. Improved consumer confidence is ________ to an economic recovery. crucial crisis cruel critics 答案:crucial 解析: crucial adj. 重要的;决定性的; crisis n. 危机; cruel adj. 残酷的,残忍的; critics n. 评论家; 译文:消费者信心的提升对经济的复苏至关重要。 8. Most people are willing to ________ to the custom of society. conform form reform inform 答案:conform 解析: conform v. 符合,遵照; conform to 遵照;遵循; form v. 构成,组成; reform v. 改革;重组; inform v. 通知,告知; 译文:大多数人都愿意遵循社会习俗。 9. Our ________ for freedom led to the American Revolution, then got liberty. emotion passion caution illusion 答案:passion 解析: emotion n. 指(喜怒哀乐等的)感情,情绪; passion n. 热爱;热情; caution n. 小心,谨慎; illusion n. 幻觉,错觉; 译文:我们对自由的热爱导致了美国革命,然后赢得了自由。 10. That was the most



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