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电力电缆载流量计算的研究与发展 郑雁翎1,2 , 王 宁1 , 李洪杰1 , 张冠军1 (1. 西安交通大学电气工程学院 电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049; 2. 宝鸡文理学院电子电气工程系,陕西 宝鸡 721007) 摘要:电力电缆的载流量因受敷设方式、运行条件和周围环境等因素的影响而不易确定,准确计算各种复杂条 件下电缆的载流量,对确保电缆的安全、经济运行具有重要的意义。文中介绍了电力电缆载流量计算的解析 法和数值法的发展过程,分析了 NM 理论的不足和对它的改进,以及 IEC 60287 载流量计算标准的基本内容 和应用局限;介绍了三种主要的数值计算方法( 有限差方法、边界元法和有限元法) 在电缆载流量计算中的应 用,并对这三种数值计算法的特点进行了论述。最后,建议在上述研究方法的基础上,针对具体的实际问题, 提出后续研究的内容及方法。 关键词:电力电缆;温度场;载流量;解析计算;数值计算 中图分类号:TM247 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6901(2010)02-0004-06 Study and Progress of the Ampacity Computation of Power Cables ZHENG Yan-ling,et al ( Xi′an Jiaotong University,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,Xi′an 710049,China) Abstract: The ampacity of power cables is difficult to be determined due to influences by installation method,opera- tion conditions and ambient conditions. It is of great importance to calculate accurately the cable ampacity under com- plicated conditions in order to ensure cable safety and economic operation. In this paper,the evolution of the analyti- cal method and numerical method for ampacity computation is presented. The deficiency of the NM theory was ana- lyzed and improvement was proposed. The basic content and limitations of the ampacity computation standard IEC 60287 were described. The application of the three main numerical methods ( finite difference,boundary element and limit element) for ampacity computation was introduced. The characteristics of the three methods were discussed. Fi- nally,in terms of the practical problems,the content and method for further study were proposed based on the a- chievements of the a. m. study. Key words: power cable; temperature field; ampacity; analytical method; numerical method 0 引 言 电力电缆在运行过程中,由于线芯电流引起绝 缘层、金属屏蔽层和铠装层损耗发热,使电缆各部分 的工作温度升高,电缆在过高温度下工作,将会导致 绝缘材料加速老化,缩短了电缆的寿命。根据运行 中的经验,规定了电缆所允许的长期和短期最高工 作温度。由此电缆的载流量实际可分为三种: 长期运行持续额定电流( Continuous current rating,对交联聚乙烯( XLPE) 绝缘电缆,其载流量对 应于电缆线芯温度达 90°C 时的稳态工作电流); 瞬时短路电流( Momentary sho


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