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用户上传 更多免费报告请查看研报客 Solving the New Equation for Advanced Analytics Talent With the supply of talent growing fast, make the most of opportunities inside and outside your company. By Chris Brahm, Arpan Sheth, Velu Sinha and Jessica Dai 用户上传 更多免费报告请查看研报客 Chris Brahm is a Bain Company partner in San Francisco and leads the firm’s Global Advanced Analytics practice. Arpan Sheth is a Bain partner based in the Bangalore office and leads the firm’s Information Technology practice in Asia-Pacific. Velu Sinha is a Bain partner in Shanghai, and Jessica Dai is a principal based in San Francisco. Copyright © 2019 Bain Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 用户上传 更多免费报告请查看研报客 Solving the New Equation for Advanced Analytics Talent At a Glance In the next two years, the global supply of advanced analytics talent will double, with India’s talent pool growing especially quickly. In the US, talent shortages will persist for experienced hires and certain key jobs, like data engineers and architects. Companies will struggle to hire experts away from the analytically mature sectors that are the most attractive to employees and that themselves plan to expand quickly. A successful tiered talent strategy incorporates new hires and internal retraining, while also tapping data hubs, third-party service firms and crowdsourcing. Innovation in analytics is a priority for almost every organization today. Yet bottlenecks in the key areas of talent, data and analytics strategy often block progress. In order to better understand the talent bottleneck and how to release it, Bain Company assessed the global market for analytics talent—


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