北京版 四年级上 Lesson 20 (5).ppt

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Lesson 20 May I take your order now? Chinese restaurant What would you like to eat in a Chinese restaurant ? I’d like …. I’ll have …. Today we will learn: How to order in a western restaurant The Western Table Manners Some words about food. 一些关于食物的单词. 如何有礼貌地点餐. 西餐礼仪 Learning outcome Western restaurant What does the waiter say? waiter Where are they? Who are they? Let’s listen. 1.What does dad want to have? salad He wants to have ______ fish mushroom soup Let’s listen. hamburgers 3. What does the waiter say ? Sorry, we don’t. chips 2.Sara wants to eat ___________and______? 4. What does Sara’s brother want to eat for dessert? He wants to have ___________ ice cream. Let’s listen. 5. How about Sara and dad? They want to have _________. apple pies Let’s read. ? ? ? starter 开胃菜 main course 主菜 soup dessert drinks Western food has five parts. salad fish mushroom soup ice cream. apple pies starter 开胃菜 main course 主菜 soup dessert drinks Let’s order! Let’s learn. The Western Table Manners(礼仪) 6 “M”s Menu Beautiful menu.精美的菜单。 Music Art music.高雅的音乐。 Mood? Good mood.良好的氛围。 Meeting Easy meeting.轻松的会面。 Manner Nice manner.文明的礼仪。 Meal Nutritious meal.有营养的美食。 Homework: 请家长带你去西餐厅就餐,拍下点餐过程,回来后和同学说一说,创编新对话。 插音乐 等等等 插音乐 * 插音乐 插音乐 等等等 插音乐 * 插音乐


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