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l l l 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目: 两宋时期的茶叶生产和商业资本的关系 院 系: 历史文化系 专 业: 人文教育 班 级: 2011级专接本 姓 名: 学 号: 20110406005 指导教师: 2013 年 5 月 12 日 l 两宋时期的茶叶生产和商业资本的关系 【摘要】两宋时期,是我国商品经济高度繁荣的时期,茶叶经济便是一大亮点。在两宋300余年的统治时期,我国茶叶经济总体趋于成熟,并逐渐走向繁荣。因此,有所谓茶“兴于唐,盛于宋”之说。主要表现在:茶叶产地增多且分布广阔,茶叶生产产量的提高,生产专业化水平加强,专门从事茶叶生产的农户愈来愈多,出现了规模大、需雇工经营或租佃经营的大茶园。这与当时商品经济的发展和商业资本的积累壮大并广泛投资于茶叶、粮食、布帛等贸易密切相关,商业资本的介入有助于茶园户完成茶叶再生产,即使在当时政府榷茶条件下,商业资本对茶叶生产仍起到了重要作用。但商业资本向茶叶生产渗透的过程中遇到了不少阻碍,茶叶生产中资本主义因素的成长受到了专制统治政府的抑制。本文在论述两宋时期茶叶生产发展情况的同时,结合具体情况深入剖析两宋时期商业资本在茶叶生产中的作用以及商业资本向茶叶生产领域的渗透情况,由此反映商业资本在传统社会中的特点及其局限性和我国传统社会向资本主义方向发展的艰难历程。探讨在茶叶生产中的表现出来的资本主义萌芽,并分析其未能顺利成长的原因。 【关键词】茶叶生产 榷茶 商业资本 资本主义萌芽 Period of two the Song Dynasty tea production and commercial capital relationship 【Abstract】Period of two the Song Dynasty, is our country goods economy height period of prosperity, the tea economy is the one large window. In two the Song Dynasty more than 300 years of reign, economy of our country tea tends to be mature, and gradually move toward prosperity. Therefore, the so-called tea Hing in Tang, sung in the song”. Mainly displays in: the origin of tea production increased and broad distribution, improve the yield, production specialization level enhancement, specializing in the production of tea farmers increasing, appeared large scale, requiring employees to operate or tenancy management in tea garden. This was the development of commodity economy and commercial accumulation of capital expansion and extensive investment in tea, food, textiles and other trade is closely related to, the commercial capital of intervention contributes to tea garden door finished tea to reproduction, even at the time of the tea tax conditions, commercial capital on tea production is still played an important role in. But the commercial capital into tea production the process of penetration encountered many obstacles, tea production in the capitalist factors for growth by the authoritarian government suppression. This article discuss


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