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l moo学院 本科生毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 企业财务风险及应对策略的研究 姓 名: 学 号: 系 别: 企业管理系 专 业: 财务管理 年 级: 2008 指导教师: 2012 年 4 月 15 日 企业财务风险及应对策略的研究 摘 要 一个企业财务活动的组织和治理业绩如何,必然会体现在该企业经营资金运动的状况和结果上,表现为财务状况的好坏和财务成果的大小。财务风险贯穿于企业经营始终,且随着经济环境日益国际化,企业的理财环境日趋复杂化、多变化,企业面临的财务风险与日俱增。财务风险的存在无疑会对企业生产经营产生重大影响,因此对财务风险的认识、防范和控制的研究已成为当今企业所面临的重要课题。 本文对财务风险问题进行研究,首先从正确认识财务风险入手,对其含义、类型、特性等做了阐述,明确了何谓财务风险;其次,对财务风险形成的各种原因进行了深入具体的研究,分析总结出财务风险产生的内因和外因诸方面。针对财务风险产生的不同原因,本文提出了提高企业对财务管理环境的适应能力和应变能力;不断提高财务管理人员的风险意识;对财务风险作出恰当的处理;提高财务决策的科学化水平,防止因决策失误而产生的财务风险; 关键词:财务风险,成因,控制措施 the Study of the financial risks of enterprise and coping strategis ABSTRACT How a business finance activitys organization and the government achievement, definitely will manifest in this enterprise operation fund movement condition and the result, will display for the financial situation quality and the financial result size. The financial risk penetration manages in the enterprise throughout, and internationalizes day by day along with the economic environment, enterprises managing finances environment complication, the multi-changes, the enterprise faces day by day the financial risk grows day by day. Financial risks existence will have the major impact without doubt to the enterprise production operation, therefore to financial risks understanding, the guard and the control research has become the important topic which the enterprise faces now. This paper studied a financial risk problem, begin from correct understanding of financial risk on its meaning, types, characteristics, made clear the explains the financial risk; what Secondly, to the various causes of financial risk formation carried on the thorough analysis of the specific research, the financial risk produce the internal an


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