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学 士 学 位 论 文
姓 名
学 号 0902030672
院 系 运动训练学院
专 业 运动训练
指导老师 老师
摘 要:本文是通过录像分析、文献资料法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,以2011年全国拳击冠军赛决赛的比赛视频中的优秀运动员为研究对象,对大中小级别不同拳法的运用和出拳总数进行分析比较来找出大中小三个级别在比赛中拳法运用的不同之处从而进行研究。通过大中小三个级出拳总数和拳法运用不同之处反映出大多数情况下大级别在比赛中出拳总数相对较少,中级别的出拳总数比较适中,而小级别在比赛中的比出拳总数较多。小级别的拳法运用比较多变而大中级别的拳法运用比较单一。在比赛过程中不是出拳总数越多得分就是越多的,而是要根据拳法的运用和技战术来决定的。根据出拳总数、拳法运用和得分数的统计中看出,在平时训练各个级别都有着自己的一钟训练方法,是根据自己本身的级别的特点训练方法。在比赛中每个级别都有着的不同打法,有着符合自己的级别的技、战术。
In 2011 the National Boxing Championship Boxing and level analysis
Abstract: This article through the video analysis, literature, logic analysis and other research methods, with 2011 national boxing championship finals competition video frequency in elite athletes as the research object, on different levels and the use of small and medium-sized boxing punches were analyzed to find the total and mistress levels in the game of boxing use differences and research. Through the large and medium-sized mistress a punch totals and boxing use differences reflected in most cases large level in the game relatively fewer total punches, intermediate and other punches total relatively modest, and small levels in the game more than the total number of punches. Small levels of boxing using comparative and changeable and medium level by comparing single boxing. In the course of the game is not the total number of more punches score is more, but according to the form of application and technical and tactical decision. According to the total number of punches, boxing use and score statistic shows, in peacetime training at all levels have a training method, is based on their own level of characteristic training method. In the game each level has a different style of play, there are consistent with their levels of ability, tactics.
Key words: National Boxing Championship; medium level; elite athlete; total punch;
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