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PAGE 摘  要 单片机在工业自动控制等诸多领域里发挥着巨大的作用,在传统的应用领域里,一般是用单片机配合市场上所能买到的逻辑器件完成系统的硬件设计, CPLD器件和EDA技术的出现改变了这一传统的设计思路,使人们可以通过设计芯片来实现不同的逻辑功能。新的设计方法能够由设计者自己定义器件的内部逻辑和管脚,将原来由电路板设计完成的大部分工作放在芯片的设计中进行。这样不仅可以通过芯片设计实现多种逻辑功能,而且由于管脚定义的灵活性,减轻了原理图和印制板设计的工作量。 课题采用VHDL语言对逻辑可编程器件进行编程,实现将单片机串口输出的串行数据到8位并行数据的转换。这是一个比较新型的扩展单片机串口的方法,该在工业控制等领域都具有非常广泛的应用。 课题选用的Altera 公司的MAX7000S系列的EPM7128SLC84-15来实现最终的VHDL的下载实现。 本课题的研究表明,应用 CPLD 技术实现单片机结构设计的外围电路的设计能更好的应用单片机来实现工业控制。 关键词:单片机;CPLD;串并转换; EPM7128SLC84-15 ABSTRACT A single-chip microcomputer (SCM) plays an important role in many realms, such as industrial automatically control and so on. Generally speaking, in traditional applied realm, hardware design of the system is accomplished by logic parts that can be bought in SCM-part markets. The appearance of CPLD parts and EDA technique changed the traditional design way, and people can implement different logic functions by designing chips. With this new design method, designers can define interior logic of parts and pins, most work that originally done in circuit board design can be done in chips design. In this way, not only we can implement many logic functions by chips design, but also diminish the workload of principle diagram and printed board design due to the agility of pin design. conversion from serial data that output from SCM serial interface to 8-bit parallel data. This is a new method for extending SCM serial interface, which has very extensive applications in many realms, such as industrial control and so on. study of the topic shows that the applying CPLD technique to implement the peripheral circuit design of SCM structure design can do a better job in implementing industrial control applying SCM. Keywords: SCM;CPLD;serial-parallel conversion EPM7128SLC84-15 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 第1章 绪论 1 1.1概述 1 1.2论文主要研究内容及方案论证 1 1.2.1 方案选择 2 1.2.1 系统描述 2 第二章 系统硬件设计 3 2.1系统硬件子总体设计 3 2.1.1 系统总体设计 3 2.1.2系统框图 3 2


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