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相似或者对比 表示相似的表达有:like、similar、resemblance、to resemble、similarity, 表示对比的表达:in contrast with... 、whereas、on the contrary、different from...、on the other hand、however、but TPO 16 Lecture 2 Music history 16. Why does the professor discuss Clara Schumann? She influenced the design of the modern piano. She grew up in an environment that encouraged female musicians. Her musical talents were inherited from her parents. Her background and Robert Schumann’s background were similar. 细节(举例目的题),1. 答案出现在lecture结尾。2. 举例(理解) 原文:Clara grew up to become a well-known and respected piano virtuoso, a performer of extraordinary skill who not only gave concerts across Europe, but also was one of the first important female composers for the instrument. PURPOSE QUESTION 功能题 (切忌断章取义,回忆出现位置,并结合上下文,在情境中选) 什么是功能题?(what?) the question type often involves replaying a portion of the listening passage. 如何识别功能题? What does the professor imply when he says this: (reply) What can be inferred from the professor’s response to the student? What is the purpose of the woman’s response? Why does the student say this? 托福听力中的常见功能: (1) Explanation: Simply put/ Let’s put in this way/ I think I should/ you mean (2) Conclusion: now to sum/ wrap up my speech (3) Suggestion: you should have done something better (4) Inspiration: come on, you are supposed to know this… (5) Emphasis: please bear in mind that…/ Rhetorical question (6) Correcting mistake: wait a minute/ I made a slip of tongue TPO 18 Conversation 2 22. What does the professor mean when she says this: Oh, well, the marketing department’s pretty big. A. The student could probably find a marketing professor who has an interest in sociology B. The student's marketing professor might not be aware of the television study. C. No more students are needed to participate in the television study. D. The marketing department needs students for several research studies. 逻辑! 原文:B: Oh, well, I have marketing and economics Monday mornings and Thursday. A: OH, you ar


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