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Father of Modern Fracture Mechanics Dr George R. Irwin (1907-1998) After having received the A.B. in English and Physics from Knox College and the M.A. and Ph. D in Physics from the University of Illinois, George Irwin began his career in 1937, at the U.S. Naval Research Lab (NRL) where he developed several new ballistics research techniques. As a result, the NRL Ballistics Branch, which was headed by Irwin, was able to develop non-metallic armors for fragment protection. These armors received trial use in World War II and extensive use during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The early years of this work led to an interest in brittle fracture and provided a basis for Irwin’s pioneering work in fracture mechanics. The basic concepts established by Irwin and his team from 1946 to 1960 are now used world wide for fracture control in aircraft, nuclear reactor vessels and other fracture- critical applications Inducted in May 1993 in recognition of his pioneering efforts in creating the discipline of fracture mechanics and for his guidance to the technical community in helping to make it a useful engineering design tool His numerous awards include ASTM Honorary Member, Timoshenko Medal of ASME, Gold Medal of ASM, The Grand Medal of the French Metallurgical Society, Tetmajer Medal o the Technical University of Vienna, member of the National Academy of Engineering and foreign membership in the Royal Society of London. He was appointed to Boeing University Professor at Lehigh University in 1967. He later joined the University of Maryland’s Department of Engineering where he has been and active researcher and advisor of graduate students since 1972. 应变能释放率 Irwin 更进一步将应变能释放率和裂纹简单应力场和位移场联系起来,提出 对于无穷大板,有 (平面应力) x y a 应变能释放率 应变能释放率与应力强度因子的关系 ? ? ? 平面应力状态 ? ? 平面应变状态 应变能释放率与柔度 应变能释放率与柔度 柔度(Compliance) 应变能释放率与柔度 载荷控制 (固定载荷): dP=0 位移控制 (固定位移): d?=0 应变能释放率与柔度 Mode I-Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) 应变能释放率与柔度 Caddell RM (1980), Deformation and Fracture of Solids, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Eng
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