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* * * * 歌 文   ????    征 诗 悯农二首 --李绅 锄禾日当午, 汗滴禾下土。 谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦。 春种一粒粟, 秋收万颗子。 四海无闲田, 农夫犹饿死。 * * * * * * * * * * “文明用膳”儿歌 饭菜已摆好,用餐讲礼貌。 先让同学坐,自己再坐好。 不要高声语,碗筷别乱敲。 细嚼又慢咽,偏食可不好。 饭菜不浪费,文明用餐好。   * 祝愿同学们每天用餐时都有一个好心情! * * * * ppt宝藏__提供下载 * Custom animation effects: sparkle (Basic) To reproduce the text on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout, and then click Blank. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box. On the slide, drag to draw a text box. Enter text and select it. On the Home tab, in the Font group, in the Font list select Franklin Gothic Heavy, and then in the Font Size box, select 96 pt. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Center. Select the text box, and then under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the WordArt Styles group, click Text Effects, point to Reflection, and under Reflection Variations select Tight Reflection, Touching (first row, the first option from the left). With the text box still selected, under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the bottom right corner of the WordArt Styles group, click the Format Text Effects: Text Box dialog box launcher. In the Format Text Effects dialog box, click Text Fill in the left pane, select Gradient fill in the Text Fill pane, and then do the following: Click the button next to Preset colors, and then click Ocean (second row, second option from the left). In the Type list, select Linear. Click the button next to Direction, and then click Linear Up (second row, second option from the left). Also in the Format Text Effects dialog box, click 3-D Format in the left pane. In the 3-D Format pane, under Bevel, click the button next to Top, and then under Bevel click Circle (first row, first option from the left). To reproduce the first star on this slide, do the following: On the Home tab, in the Drawing group, click Shapes, and then under Stars and Banners click 4-Point Star (fir



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