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齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 年处理300吨甘草生产车间初步设计 学 院 化学与化学工程学院 专业班级 制药工程091班 学生姓名 林道宁 指导老师 张匀 成 绩 2013 年 6 月 17 日 PAGE 齐齐哈尔大学毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE II 摘要 本设计以年处理300吨甘草为主要途径,通过醇提水沉的方法来对甘草中的主要药物成分甘草酸进行提取,设计的主要思路以每批处投料量为依据,根据所处理物料量来确定多功能提取罐的体积,选取提取罐的类型为直锥形,提取罐的附属设备是依据其公称直径来确定的,整个设备采用夹套蒸汽加热的方式。主要任务是选择一条科学,简便,经济,创新的工艺路线来完成年处理量300吨甘草的提取。包括相应的物料计算,进而确定设备选型,热量衡算是为了公用工程计算当中所消耗的蒸汽,选取多功能提取罐为主要设备计算,进而确定了提取罐的壁厚、直径、高度、加热面积。此外还有三废处理,厂址选择,车间设备布置,防火安全卫生等等。绘制一张带控制点的工艺流程图,车间布置图,主要设备图,其中车间布置图、主要设备图采用CAD绘图软件绘制。 关键词:提取车间设计;工艺流程;甘草;醇提 Abstract The design of processing 300 tons of licorice as the main route through the alcohol extraction method of water sink on the main pharmaceutical ingredient in licorice extract glycyrrhizin, the design of the main ideas in each batch at the feeding amount as the basis, according to the amount of material being processed multifunctional extraction tank to determine the volume, select the type of extraction tank straight tapered extraction tank ancillary equipment is based on its nominal diameter to determine, the entire device using steam heating jacket way. The main task is to choose a scientific, simple, economical, innovative process routes to complete processing capacity of 300 tons of licorice extract. Including the calculation of the corresponding materials, and to determine the selection of equipment, heat balance calculations were considered for utilities consumed steam, select multifunctional extraction tank as the main computing device, and then determine the extraction tank wall thickness, diameter, height, heating area . In addition to waste treatment, site selection, workshop equipment layout, fire safety and health and so on. Draw a flow chart with control points, workshop layout, major equipment diagram in which the workshop layout, major equipment


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