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研究与分析 林 产 工 业 RESEARCH ANALYSIS CHINA FOREST PRODUCTS INDUSTRY 吸声保温玉米秸秆穰板制备及性能研究∗ 王  芳  张  扬  于志明  商俊博   (北京林业大学木质材料科学与应用教育部重点实验室, 北京  100083) 摘要: 以疏解后的玉米秸秆穰丝为基材,异氰酸酯为胶黏剂,均匀组坯后经热压制备成吸声保温玉米秸秆穰板。通过 单因素试验分别探究了施胶量、热压温度板材密度、厚度对玉米秸秆穰板吸声、导热和压缩性能的影响。结果表明:综合板 材的性能和生产成本,优化工艺为施胶量2%、热压温度140 ℃、密度0.10 g/cm3 ,所得板材吸声性能达到GB/T 16731—1997的 Ⅲ级标准,压缩强度满足GB/T 25975—2010中的要求,属高效保温材料。 关键词: 玉米秸秆; 力学性能; 吸声系数; 导热系数 中图分类号:TS653 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-5299(2019)05-0027-05 DOI: 10.19531/j.issn1001-5299.201905006 Study on Preparation and Properties of Sound Absorbing and Heat Insulating Corn Straw Pith Board WANG Fang ZHANG Yang YU Zhi-ming SHANG Jun-bo ( Key Laboratory of Wooden Material Science and Application, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: In this study, a new sound-absorbing and heat-insulating material was prepared by using corn stalks, the corn stalks were smashed into crepe, and isocyanate was used as a binder. Finally, the corn stalks were obtained by hot pressing. The effects of glue amount, hot pressing temperature, density and thickness on the thermal conductivity, sound absorption and compression properties of corn straw board were investigated by single factor experiments in this work. As a result, the performance of the integrated sheet and the production cost were as follows: the amount of glue was 2%, the hot pressing temperature was 140 ℃, and the density was 0.10 g/cm3. The sound absorption performance of the obtained board reached the Class III standard of GB/T19731— 1997, and the compressive strength met the requirements in GB/T 25985—2010, and it was a highly efficient heat insulating material.


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