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河南机电高等专科学校 毕业设计论文 论文题目: CY市110KV变电站二次设计 摘要 电力工业是国民经济的一项基础工业和国民经济发展的先行工业,它是一种将煤、石油、天然气、水能、核能、风能等一次能源转换成电能这个二次能源的工业,它为国民经济的其他各部门快速、稳定发展提供足够的动力,其发展水平是反映国家经济发展水平的重要标志。 为了满足社会发展的需要,需要在CY地区新建一座110KV变电站。以35KV电压供乡镇企业和农业用电,以10KV电压供工业用电。设计要求采用两回110KV进线, 35KV出线4回及备用2回,10KV出线9回及备用2回,基于上述条件,变电站的设计在满足国家设计标准的基础上,尽量考虑当地的实际情况。形式上采用独立变电站。在本变电站的设计中,分为对变电站总体分析和负荷分析、变电站主变压器的选择、主接线、短路电流计算、电力系统继电保护等部分的分析计算。在110kv侧的线路保护中采用电流保护,35KV侧采用电流保护,10kv侧采用电流保护构成对该电站的线路保护。而在主变压器保护中采用纵联差动、瓦斯保护、过负荷保护等方式构成主变压器的保护。在保证供电可靠性的前提下,减少事故的发生,降低运行费用。变电站的设计是按照本地区5~10年后的用电量的满负荷的容量设计的,不必为将来因为容量小而再重建或扩容,一次设计到位,减少了投资,并为变电站的安全稳定供电提供了保障。 本文设计的变电站为110kv变电站,其下级负荷为35kv级和10kv级工业及其它负荷。这些负荷不仅包括乡镇企业、农业、工业部门,也有政府、医院等非工业部门。 ABSTRACT The power industry is a basic industry and the national economy of the first industrial development of the national economy, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear energy, wind energy, once converted to electricity this secondary energy industries for the national economy other departments rapid and stable development of adequate motivation reflect their level of development is an important symbol of the countrys economic development level. To meet the needs of social development, the need for a new 110KV transformer stations in the region of CY. To 35KV voltage for township enterprises and agricultural electricity, to 10KV voltage for industry electricity.Design requirements using two 110KV back into line. To 35KV project, goes back to stand-by 4to2.To 10KV project, goes back to stand-by 9to 2, for the above conditions, transformer stations designed to meet state design standards basis to consider local realities. Form a separate transformer stations. The transformer stations in the design, analysis and load into the overall analysis of transformer stations, transformer stations, the main transformer selection, the main wire, short circuit current calculations.110kv side in the use of current lines to protect protection adjacent to the current 35kv and 10kv power lines in the protec



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