精细农业 hy4 全球定位系统2.ppt

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Sources of Real-Time DGPS U.S. Coast Guard- AM-like signal along coastal waterways Local FM Signals- FM signal at installed towers around the nation Satellite-Based Differential Correction-Geostationary satellite TRANSFORMATION FROM GEODETIC COORDINATES TO LOCAL TANGENT PLANE COORDINATES The transformation is conducted in two consecutive steps: First, from geodetic coordinates to ECEF coordinates. Second, from ECEF coordinates to Local tangent plane coordinates. Geodetic coordinates The geodetic coordinates are: latitude (?), longitude (?) and altitude (h). These parameters are provided by the GPS receiver to acknowledge the global position of a particular point Latitude is the angle between the normal N and the equatorial plane, longitude is the angle in the equatorial plane between X (Prime Meridian) and the projection of the point of interest P. Altitude is the (normal) distance between the surface of the ellipsoid and the point of interest (P). ECEF (Earth-centered earth-fixed) coordinates The center of coordinates of the ECEF frame is the center of the earth (geodetic ellipsoid). The X axis passes through the intersection of the prime meridian (0? longitude) and the equator (0? latitude). The Z axis is parallel to the earth’s spin axis (it extends through the true north pole). The Y axis completes the right-handed coordinate system. Local tangent plane coordinate system The local tangent plane coordinates system, also known as NED coordinates system, has three orthogonal axes of East (E), North (N) and Down (D). Tangent plane coordinates are generated by fitting a tangent plane to the earth’s surface at a point of interest in specific operations. It is usually set at the beginning of the first row of the field to be represented. Coordinate transformations Before proceeding with the transformation, an ellipsoid must be chosen as a reference to model the earth’s shape. In this research, the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) was adopted, whose parameter


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