
石油英语翻译 实践内容.docVIP

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Unit One Oil(油) 1. The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. Some of the Indians of North America used to collect and sell the oil from the wells of Pennsylvania. No one,however,seems to have realized the importance of this oil until it was found that paraffin-oil could be made from it; this led to the development of the wells and to the making of enormous profits. When the internal combustion engine was invented,oil became of worldwide importance. 1、油井的存在由来已久。北美的一些印第安人过去常常去宾夕法尼亚的油井采集油来出售。一直以来,没有人认识到这种油的重要性,后来人们发现它可提炼出煤油来,情况才为之一变。自此油井遂蓬勃发展,巨额利润也由此产生。当内燃机发明后,石油更具有世界性重要意义。 2. What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motor-cars and aircraft? Scientists are confident about the formation of coal,but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. They think that the oil under the surface of the earth originated in the distant past,and was formed from living things in the sea. Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the sea bed. They were covered with huge deposits of mud; and by processes of chemistry,pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. For there creatures to become oil,it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today. In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. They are sedimentary rocks,rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. Almost always the remains of shells,and other proofs of sea life,are found close to the oil. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale,which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil. 2、现在驱动汽车和飞机的油的起源是什么?科学家


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