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* A型的人总是这样的思维方式:“是你让我火冒三丈”,把原因完全推到外部了,实际上这个使你火冒三丈的人是你自己呀!是你让别人操纵了你的情绪,所以你生气了,心血管收缩,血压升高,还掉了眼泪。我们说事件本身并不会对你造成伤害,但你的反应与思维模式却会伤害你。 B型人,他因为要承受这种心怀不满、又不愿意说出来的压力,非常压抑,时间久了可能导致癌症、抑郁症。 我们再看C型人因为以平和的心态对待事件,有一个健康的人格,因此感受到的压力最小,体内的压力荷尔蒙与快乐荷尔蒙较为平衡。前两种人可能因情绪不好而引起健康问题,而C型人会转换不良情绪,化解压力,保持一个健康的心理状态。 * * * Keep a time log (written record) of your time and complete a statistical analysis of the result for a period of 5 days. Complete the log and the analysis on your typical working days will provide you with the most useful information. With this in mind you should miss days which include non-routine events such as illness, attending a training course or a day spent travelling Evaluate the result 1,Managing your time to achieve the daily goals and targets 2,Categories of tasks and time use 3, time to think 4, Interactions with others 5,dealing with your most important objectives Identify the changes that are needed. WE cannot change how we have used our time in the past but we can learn a lot from analyzing how it was spent. Through understanding the past, we can identify improvements for managing time in the future. If you are not completely satisfied with the way you used your time, consider the following issues: tasks / activities that are of little benefit or value Specific problems that stop you from using your time well Planning & prioritizing the workload effectively. Self discipline. * A:今天做,越快越好,不能等,急于出结果; B1:常规工作,被忘了或者没计划的,需要马上行动,但是有些事不能直接导致完成工作目标 B2:重要,但是不急,但是如果不安排时间做,失去时才“策划能够为URGENT的事情,如健康,锻炼。 C:非常小而且事务性的工作,需要做,但不做也没坏处。如不能确定出这一象限的活动,你将会浪费很多时间。 * * * * 1. Poor work habits. Some people procrastinate on everything! They are so far behind that they are sentenced to daily efforts of trying to keep up with yesterday. 2. They feel overwhelmed. They may be overwhelmed by a particular project or by their workload in general. Sometimes they are overwhelmed because they don’t know how to do it. Or sometimes they fell the job’s too much- it ‘s too much time-consuming. They are


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