水肥一体与现代农业的相关思考 -精选课件(公开).ppt

水肥一体与现代农业的相关思考 -精选课件(公开).ppt

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地膜覆盖 长效肥料 传统农业 向 现代农业快速转变! 新视野、新思路 新模式、新机制 肥料、种子、农药、 地膜、托盘、管材、机械、设备、装置 新农业 LPS? – 系统组成部分 低压系统连接件都采用最易于安装、拆卸的设备,便于普通农民掌握。 低压系统组成构件—低压连接件 广东徐闻县大水桥农场 进肥方向 肥料池 水 这是目前华南地区大力推广的施肥方式 简单、实用、低廉、精确 液体肥料最适合用于灌溉系统 (照片摄于内蒙商都县、卓资县) 水稻区高效节水示意图 人工湿地 河 道 泵房 生态集水沟初级处理 净水回流 引进灌溉-排水-湿地综合管理系统(WRSIS) 一、节地5-10%、节水50%以上、节肥、维护成本较低。 二、采用支管控制、便于实现智能化灌溉、可以很好结合激光整平等技术,降低土地平整成本,提高产量。 三、可以与诸多农艺措施结合,如水肥一体化、脉冲灌溉等。 四、结合生态排水和农业湿地系统建设,有效降低农业面源污染。 竭诚为您服务! 高祥照 农业部全国农技中心 邮编:100125 电话:86-10传真:86-10手机邮件:460466599@QQ.COM 中国节水农业信息网:/jsw * Agricultural intensification calls for more effective and efficient use of plant nutrients. Increasing the efficiency of fertilizers, nitrogen in particular, increases agricultural productivity and minimizes the negative impacts on the environment. Low efficiency translates into excess use of fertilizers, particularly nitrogen, leading to heavy costs to the economy and the environment. China and India rank first and second in IFA’s list of top fertilizer consuming countries, while the United States ranks third. In developed countries like in Western Europe (cereals), North America (maize), Japan and Korea (irrigated rice) yields have increased (by about 60 to 100 per cent above world average) without significant increases in nitrogen fertilizer use. In most developing regions, like China and India, nitrogen use efficiency has room for improvement. Meeting the challenge of increasing nitrogen use efficiency and crop yields simultaneously is difficult but possible. The key to success on a global scale is the establishment of a commercial, technical and regulatory environment that encourages site-specific agronomic improvements on farms, particularly in developing countries. Application in terms of the right products, at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place, helps optimize nitrogen use efficiency which in turn, reduces nitrogen losses and will benefit the farmers, society and the environment. * 水肥一体与现代农


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