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广州市商业写字楼市场分析与需求趋势预测 摘 要 城市写字楼经济需要给予不断分析研究,并且应该是动态性分析研究。影响写字楼市场因素往往是千变万化,作为一种经济现象,写字楼经济就需要适合城市经济发展。有关对房地产建设研究和写字楼经济分析内容,国内外有关学者对这类内容有过很多分析研究,并有了许多分析研究结论,但对于像广州市这样写字楼具有微观性内容分析研究并不多。本文以广州市商业写字楼市场分析与趋势预测为题,从广州市所处写字楼市场现状为切入点,结合广州市写字楼建设实际,借以分析广州市写字楼销售市场和租金市场所具有的供需矛盾,对广州市写字楼建设现状,写字楼市场存量以及待建现状给予分析,并对广州市写字楼销售与租赁市场所存在的供需矛盾予以研究,力争通过本文分析与研究,为广州市商业写字楼市场提出一种分析,并对广州市写字楼市场趋势给予相应预测,为广州市写字楼经济发展提供一些参考性或借鉴性建议。同时,本文研究建议,对其他城市写字楼建设与市场状况也有一定指导性意义。 关键词:广州市 商业写字楼 市场分析 市场预测 ABSTRACT Urban office building needs to be analyzed and studied, and it should be dynamic analysis and research. Influence office market factors are often changing, as an economic phenomenon, the office of the economic development of the city needs to be suitable for urban economic development. Related to research for the construction of real estate and office building economy content analysis, scholars at home and abroad on this kind of content had a lot of analysis and research, and many research conclusions, but for as the Guangzhou this office with micro content analysis research is not much. This paper takes Guangzhou city commercial office building market analysis and trend forecast of the title, from the Guangzhou City office building market as the starting point, combined with the actual Guangzhou City office building, in order to analyze the contradiction between supply and demand of Guangzhou office sales market and the rental market, with the city of Guangzhou Office building construction, office stock the present situation and analysis of Guangzhou City Office, and the contradiction between supply and demand of existing building sales and leasing market and strive to study, through the analysis and research of Guangzhou City, a commercial office building market analysis put forward, and the Guangzhou office building market trend to give the corresponding prediction, provide some reference and suggestions building the economic development of Guangzhou city office. At the same time, this paper suggests


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