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? 替代是一种避免重复的连接上下文的手段。在英语中主要有三种替代现象:名词性替代、动词性替代和分句性替代;同理,替代词也分为名词替代词、动词替代词和分句替代词。此外还有状语的替代。 三种替代现象 名词性替代 动词性替代 分句性替代 替代词 名词替代词 动词替代词 分句替代词 状语的替代 名词性替代 名词性替代词 某些不定代词 one 和 ones是最常见的替代词 一、名词性替代 用名词性替代词one (s), the same, the kind, the sort等所表示的替代现象叫做名词性替代。 1.名词性替代词 ??? 例:The child doesn’t like this book. Show him a more interesting one. (one = book) 例:We can trust Smith. I wish I could say the same of his partner.(the same =we can trust) 2、某些不定代词 在名词性替代中还可以用一些不定代词来替代。如all, both, some, any, enough, several, none, many, much, more, (the ) most, (a) few, another, the other, others, either等。例如: I dont want any more food. I’ve had enough. 3. one 和 ones是最常见的替代词 ??? one的复数形式是ones. one 和ones作为替代词只能用以替代可数名词, 不可用来替代不可数名词。不可数名词,诸如物质名词,是没有替代名词的,唯一可能性是用零形式代替。例如: ??? 1)The grey horse is stronger than the black one. ??? 2)The new design is much better than the old ones. 3).--This bread is stale. ---Get some fresh. 4.名词性物主代词mine,yours ??? 名词性物主代词mine, yours等可用来代替my +名词,your +名词等,例如: “Whose is that coat?” “It’s mine.” 二、动词性替代 ??? 用动词替代词do,do so等所表示的替代现象叫做动词性替代。 1.谓语的替代形式 ?do是谓语的替代形式,有时态和人称的变化。例如: 1)Some people like a shower after they have played tennis. Peter does, for example. 2)John speaks German as fluently as Mary does. 2.由do,so等组成的复合替代形式 ?? (1)“so +助动词+主语”。例如: ???? “Mary will enter the university in September.” “So will Joan.” ??? (2)“so +主语+助动词”。例如: ??? “I’ve been to Beijing.” ”So you have.” ?注:这种结构中第二句的主语与第一句的主语是同一个人,否则应像“so +助动词+主语”的结构一样,主谓要倒装。 (5)“主语+(助动词+)do + it”。例如: ??? -----“My brother said he was going to send a letter of protest to the President.” ----- ”I did it last week.” 注:如果上文表示否定意义而在简短反应中表示相同的看法时,则用“neither / nor +do +主语”。此时,do 不是动词替代词,而是助动词。例如: Mary didn’t like English, neither did her brother. (3)“主语+(助动词+)do + so”。例如: ???? “Have you sent your plan to the committee?” ???? “I did so yesterday.” (4)“主语+(助动词+)do + that”。例如: ??? “Do you know who broke the television set?” “I heard J



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