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华中科技大学本科生学习指南 华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划 ·PAGE 4· ·PAGE 10· 信息与计算科学专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Information and Computing Science 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 本学科是研究以信息领域为背景的数学基础理论、方法和应用的学科。本专业培养掌握信息与计算科学的基本理论和方法,受到科学研究的初步训练,能运用所学的知识和计算机技能解决某些实际问题,能在科技、教育部门和经济领域从事研究、教学、应用开发和管理工作的高级专门人才。 This program focuses in the basic theories, methods and application of mathematics with a background of information technology. Students will study the fundamental theories and method in information and computing science, receive initial training in scientific research and be able to use the knowledge and computer skills to solve real problems. Capable of researching, teaching and application, students will face a glorious career future in education, science research or economic bodies. 二、基本规格要求 Ⅱ.Skills Profile 本专业毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1. 具有扎实的数学基础,掌握信息与计算科学的基本理论和基本知识; 2. 能熟练地使用计算机,(包括常用语言工具及一些专用软件)。具有基本的算法分析,设计能力和较强的编程能力; 3. 对信息、计算科学理论、技术及应用的新发展有所了解,能运用所学的理论、方法解决某些科研或生产中的实际问题; 4. 掌握一门外语,能顺利阅读本专业的外文资料。 As a student of this course, you are supposed to have: 1. Solid grounding in mathematics, Fundamental theories and knowledge in information and computing science; 2. Mastery of common computer language tools and necessary specialized software, Skills in algorithm analysis, design and programming; 3. Knowledge of the latest development of theories, technologies and application in information and computing science, Skills to employ the theories and knowledge in real-world problem solving; 4. Skills to solve real-world problems with the aid of computers, Mastery of a foreign language and the ability to employ technical resources in foreign text. 三、培养特色 Ⅲ.Program Features 培养具有坚实的信息与计算科学的理论与应用基础,并能运用计算机解决实际问题的力争与国际接轨的专门人才。 This program aims to nurture special talents with sound theory and applied foundation of information and computing science. The graduates can use computers to solve practical problems. 四、主干学科 Ⅳ.Major Disciplines 计算机科学与技术 Computer Science Techn


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