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奇异的植物 rafflesia arnoldii [r?`fli:z??] 阿诺尔特大花 tropical [‘tr?pikl] adj。 热带的, 热情的 particularly [p?‘t?kj?l?l?] adv. 独特地, 显著地 diameter [dai‘?mit?] n. 直径 foul [faul] adj. 污秽的, 邪恶的, 肮脏的 vi. 腐烂, 犯规, 缠结 incentive [in‘sentiv] n. 动机 adj. 激励的 Worms [wз:mz] 虫子 utricularia [j?,tr?kj?`l?r??] n. [植]狸藻 dicot [‘daik?t] n. 双子叶植物 genus [‘d?i:n?s] n. 种, 类 Root [ru:t]n. 根, 根部, 根本, 根源 Satiny [‘s?t?n?] adj. 光滑的 branch [brɑ:nt∫] n. 枝, 分枝, (学科) 支脉 v.出现分歧 pinnate leaf shape 一种叶子形状 Microorganism [ma?kr???:ɡ?n?z(?)m] n. [微生]微生物, 微小动植物 , butterwort [`b?t?wз:t] n. [植]捕虫堇 insectivorous [?insek‘tiv?r?s] adj.食虫的, 食虫动植物的 surface [‘s?:fis] n.表面, 外表, 水面adj.表面的, 肤浅的 sarracenia [?s?r?‘si:ni?] n. [植]瓶子草 Endocrine [‘end?ukrain] n . 内分泌 perish [peri∫] vi. 毁灭, 死亡, 腐烂 大王花 rafflesia arnoldii In sumatra tropical forest growth in life. it is only a flower, it is particularly large, usually in diameter may 1 metre, the diameter of 1.4 metres, is the best, therefore, call it flower. it smell foul an incentive, the worms do not dare to go near it. 阿诺尔特大花(rafflesia arnoldii)又名大王花,号称世界第一大花。在苏门答腊的热带森林里生长。它一生中只开一朵花,花也特别大, 一般直径可以达到1米左右,最大的直径可达1.4米, 是世界上最大的花,因此又叫它“大王花”。它具有刺激性腐臭气味,使虫类不敢靠近它。 狸藻 Utricularia dicot genus of plants. no root, but floated in the water, it has for more than 100 ㎝ satiny main stems, stalks along in the longer branches and the branches grow out of a pinnate leaf shape; but the splitting, and microorganisms. the water 狸藻属双子叶植物,没有根,可在水中飘浮生长,它有长达100㎝以上的柔细的主茎轴,再由茎轴两旁长出分枝以及在分枝长出美丽的羽状针形裂叶。可捕食并消化水中微生物。 捕虫堇 butterwort is a bog plants, to trap


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