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华中科技大学本科生学习指南 PAGE ·PAGE 262· 临床医学辅修专业培养计划 Undergraduate Program for the Auxiliary Specialty in Clinical Medicine 一、培养目标 Ⅰ.Educational Objectives 培养具有良好素质的初级医师,这种素质确保其毕业后作为医生时在上级医师指导下,从事安全有效的医疗实践,保证他们有适当的基础能够进行终身学习和在医学某一学科领域内进一步深造。 Cultivating elementary doctor of high quality that guarantees they can engaged in the medical practice with effective security under the guidance of doctor of higher level, and also guarantees that they have proper foundation after the graduation that can go on all ones life studying and take an advanced study in a specific medical field. 二、辅修对象: Ⅱ、Auxiliary object 具备系统解剖学、组织学与胚胎学、生理学、生物化学与分子生物学、病原生物学、医学免疫学、病理学、病理生理学、药理学的基础理论和基本知识的本科生。 The undergraduate student who have the basic theory and basic knowledge of systemic anatomy, histology and embryology, physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, medical microbiology, medical immunology, pathology, pathophysiology and pharmocology 三、学分要求(辅修证书) Ⅲ、Credits Required 完成学业最低学分要求:81 Minimum Course Credits: 81 其中: Including: 学科基础课程:16 Basic Course in Discipline: 16 学科专业课程:17 Courses in Specialty: 17 学科实践环节:48 Practices in Discipline: 48 四、教学进程计划表 Ⅳ、Table of Teaching Schedule 课程 类别 Course Classi- fied 课程 性质 Course Nature 课程 代码 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学时/ 学分 Hrs/ Crs 其中 Including 各学期学时 Hour Distribution in a Semester 课外 Extra- cur. 实验 Exp. 上机 Oper- ation 一 1st 二 2nd 三 3rd 四 4th 五 5th 六 6th 七 7th 八 8th 九 9th 十 10th 学科基础课程 Basic Courses in Discipline 必修 Required 1001071 局部解剖学 Regional Anatomy 72/4.5 72 72 必修Required 1001301 物理诊断学 Physical Diagnostics 80/5 40 80 必修Required 1001311 实验诊断学 Experimental Diagnostics 40/2.5 20 40 必修Required 1001462 医学影像学 Medical Imaging 32/2 32 必修Required 1001392 手术学 Fundamentals of Operation 32/2 28 32 专业课程Courses in Specialty 必修Required 1001362 内科学 Internal Medicine 96/6 6 90 必修Required 1001402 外科学 Surgery 96/6 6 90 必修Required 1001351 妇产科学 Gynecology 40/2.5 4 36 必修Required 1001332 儿科学 Paediatrics 40/2.5 4 36 实践环节Practices in Discipline 必修Required 1303311


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