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Then wondrous miracles appeared in the midst of the astonished sailors. Wine flowed through the ship and with it arose a divine odor. A vine entwined(缠绕) about the mast(桅杆) and grew up to the very top of the sail(帆), with flowers and grapes. The god created a raging bear and he himself became a terrifying lion, which seized the ship‘s commander. The sailors, by now in a state of panic, leaped into the sea and transformed(变形) into dolphins. ??? ?Dionysus declared his true identity as a mighty god to the surviving helmsman(舵手), who had become dear to his heart, and he pitied him and saved him and made him happy. Dionysus Dolphins Significance This story offers a depiction of Dionysus’ majesty and power and the essential characteristics of his worship: miracles, bestial [?bestj?l] (野兽的) transformation, violence to enemies, and pity, love, and salvation(拯救) for those who understand. Dionysus rescuing his mother Dionysus, having established his worship in various parts of the world, descended to the realm of shades in search of his ill-fated mother, whom he conducted to Olympus, where, under the name of Thyone, she was admitted into the assembly of the immortal gods. Dionysus Ariadne Theseus abandoned Ariadne sleeping on Naxos, and Dionysus rediscovered and wedded her. In a few versions of the myth, Dionysus appeared to Theseus as they sailed away from Crete, saying that he had chosen Ariadne as his wife, and demanded that Theseus leave her on Naxos for him. She remained faithful to Dionysus and had several children with him, but was later killed by Perseus at Argos. In other myths Ariadne hanged herself from a tree. Dionysus however descended into Hades and brought her back. They then joined the gods in Olympus. Dionysus discovers Ariadne on the shore of Naxos Drinking Scene with Dionysus and Ariadne on his lap 5.Dionysiac [?da???n?z??k] Religious Experience (“ritual madness”) a. Aids to induce state of “ritual madness” 1) wine 2) dancing


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