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clear “明白的, 清楚的”, 指不模糊含混, 易于观察, 了解和识别。 He seems clear about his plans. apparent 指具有某些明显的迹象的, 侧重与经历推理才能看出结果。 It was apparent from his face that he was lying. * 7. As Li Fang set off for home, he thought...(P5L1) set off 动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸; 使某物更有吸引力 Tom and his father set off for America yesterday. The bomb set off among the crowd. A woman’ beauty is set off by her clothes and jewellery. * set about doing sth. set in set up set down set out set somebody to do something. set somebody doing something 着手(做某事) 开始 建立, 创立 写下, 记下 使某人开始工作 使某人处于某种动的状态 着手,动身 以……为背景;设置背景 be set in * What you said just now ____ me of that American professor. A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized C 8. I don’t want them to remind me of her. remind 提醒, 使想起 remind sb. of sth. remind sb. to do sth. remind sb. that call up 打电话,召集,使人想起(call up sth of sb) (P5L2) * 9. forgive (forgave, forgiven) vt. 原谅, 饶恕 不念旧恶十分难得。 It’s best to forgive and forget. 请原谅他的粗鲁吧。 Please forgive him for his rudeness. receive forgiveness forgiving adj. 宽仁的, 宽大的 forgiveness n. 宽恕 ask for forgiveness * Unit 1 Festivals around the world * Reading and writing A Sad Love Story * Pre-reading Do you know the history of Valentine’s Day? Feb. 14th * The St. Valentine for whom the day is named was, most likely, a priest(牧师)in the 3rd century who performed secret marriages when the Roman Emperor Claudius II thought single soldiers were more likely to serve in the army. That St. Valentine was put into prison and executed(处死) on February 14th, 270 AD. * Do we have our own Valentine’s Day in China? * the Double Seventh Day Chinese Valentine’s Day The seventh day of the seventh lunar month * 牛郎白天放牛 牛郎织女喜结良缘 牛郎织女终于 在鹊桥上相会了 王母娘娘把他们分开 * Fast-reading: 1. What was Li Fang doing? Why did Li Fang feel like a fool? He was waiting for his girlfriend Hu Jin, but till very late she didnt come. Para 1 Para 2 2. How did Li Fang


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